####################### Data naming conventions ####################### This section describes the data naming convention used in |co2mpas| input template to construct the *data-values tree*, i.e. the input of the simulation model. There are two naming conventions in the excel file: - the **sheet-name** name is composed of 5 parts, all optional, but at least one of the first 4 must be present:: base.input.precondition.WLTP-H.ts └┬─┘ └─┬─┘ └────┬─────┘ └─┬──┘ └┬┘ scope────────┘ │ │ │ │ usage──────────────┘ │ │ │ stage───────────────────────┘ │ │ cycle─────────────────────────────────┘ │ sheet_type(optional)────────────────────────┘ - the **data-name** consists of 5 parts, the ``parameter`` part is mandatory, and the last 2 parts can be reversed:: plan.target.prediction.vehicle_mass.WLTP-H └┬─┘ └─┬─┘ └────┬────┘ └────┬─────┘ └──┬─┘ scope(optional)─┘ │ │ │ │ usage(optional)───────┘ │ │ │ stage(optional)────────────────┘ │ │ parameter──────────────────────────────────┘ │ cycle(optional)───────────────────────────────────────┘ .. note:: - The dot(``.``) may be replaced by space. - The **usage** and **stage** parts may end with an ``s``, denoting plural, and are not case-insensitive, e.g. ``Inputs`` sheet. Description of the name-parts ============================= The options of each name part are described in the following sections. scope ----- - ``base`` [default]: input to |co2mpas| simulation model. - ``dice``: input for dice. - ``meta``: meta data of the vehicle test. - ``plan``: data used to run a simulation plan and overwrite the inputs of the simulation model. usage ----- - ``input`` [default]: input to calibration and/or to prediction models. - ``data``: intermediate data between calibration and prediction models (see :ref: `model`). - ``output``: |co2mpas| precondition, calibration, and prediction results. - ``target``: reference-values (**NOT USED NEITHER IN CALIBRATION NOR IN** **PREDICTION**) to be compared with the |co2mpas| results. stage ----- - ``calibration`` [default]: calibration data. - ``prediction`` [default, if **cycle** in ``nedc``]: prediction data. cycle ----- - ``nedc-h``: *NEDC High* cycle data. - ``nedc-l``: *NEDC Low* cycle data. - ``wltp-h``: *WLTP High* cycle data. - ``wltp-l``: *WLTP Low* cycle data. - ``nedc`` [default]: shortcut to set values for ``nedc-h`` & ``nedc-l``. - ``wltp`` [default]: shortcut to set values for ``wltp-h`` & ``wltp-l``. - ``all-h``: shortcut to set values for ``nedc-h`` and ``wltp-h``. - ``all-l``: shortcut to set values for ``nedc-l`` and ``wltp-l``. - ``all``: shortcut to set values for ``nedc`` and ``wltp``. param ----- Any data-name (e.g. ``vehicle_mass``) used in the physical model. sheet_type ---------- There are three sheet types, which are parsed according to their contained data: - **pl** [parsed range is ``#A1:__``]: table of scalar and time-depended values used into the simulation plan as a variation from the base model. - **pa** [parsed range is ``#B2:C_``]: scalar or not time-depended values (e.g. ``r_dynamic``, ``gear_box_ratios``, ``full_load_speeds``). - **ts** [parsed range is ``#A2:__``]: time-depended values (e.g. ``times``, ``velocities``, ``gears``). Columns without values are skipped. **COLUMNS MUST HAVE THE SAME LENGTH!** .. note:: If it is not defined, the default value follows these rules: When **scope** is ``plan``, the sheet is parsed as **pl**. If **scope** is ``base`` and **cycle** is missing in the **sheet-name**, the sheet is parsed as **pa**, otherwise, it is parsed as **ts**. Simulation plan =============== Variations to the base model must be inserted in the provided additional sheets, characterized by the plan. prefix. These sheets consist of tables composed by rows, each row is a single simulation, and columns, the parameters that the user wishes to vary; the columns can contain the following special names: - **id**: Identifies the variation id. - **base**: It is the file path of a CO2MPAS excel input. The data are used as new base vehicle. - **run_base**: If TRUE [default] the base model results are computed and stored, otherwise the data are just loaded. .. |co2mpas| replace:: CO\ :sub:`2`\ MPAS