Source code for co2mpas.core.load.excel

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015-2019 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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Functions to read inputs from excel.

import math
import regex
import logging
import functools
import collections
import os.path as osp
import schedula as sh

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_base_params = r"""

_flag_params = r"""^(?P<scope>flag)(\.|\s+)(?P<flag>(input_version|vehicle_family_id))\s*$"""

_dice_params = r"""^(?P<scope>dice)(\.|\s+)(?P<dice>[^\s.]*)\s*$"""

_meta_params = r"""

_plan_params = r"""
""" + _flag_params.replace('<scope>', '<v_scope>').replace('^(', '(') + r"""
""" + _dice_params.replace('<scope>', '<v_scope>').replace('^(', '(') + r"""
""" + _meta_params.replace('<scope>', '<v_scope>').replace('^(', '(') + r"""
""" + _base_params.replace('<scope>', '<v_scope>').replace('^(', '(') + r"""

_re_params_name = regex.compile(
    """ + _flag_params + r"""
    """ + _dice_params + r"""
    """ + _meta_params + r"""
    """ + _plan_params + r"""
    """ + _base_params, regex.IGNORECASE | regex.X | regex.DOTALL)

_base_sheet = r"""

_flag_sheet = r"""^(?P<scope>flag)((\.|\s+)(?P<type>(pa|ts|pl)))?\s*$"""

_dice_sheet = r"""^(?P<scope>dice)((\.|\s+)(?P<type>(pa|ts|pl)))?\s*$"""

_meta_sheet = r"""

_plan_sheet = r"""
""" + _flag_sheet.replace('<scope>', '<v_scope>').replace('^(', '(') + r"""
""" + _dice_sheet.replace('<scope>', '<v_scope>').replace('^(', '(') + r"""
""" + _meta_sheet.replace('<scope>', '<v_scope>').replace('^(', '(') + r"""
""" + _base_sheet.replace('<scope>', '<v_scope>').replace('^(', '(') + r"""

_re_input_sheet_name = regex.compile(r'|'.join(
    (_flag_sheet, _dice_sheet, _meta_sheet, _plan_sheet, _base_sheet)
), regex.IGNORECASE | regex.X | regex.DOTALL)

_re_space_dot = regex.compile(r'(\s*\.\s*|\s+)')

_xl_ref = {
    'pa': '#%s!B2:C_:["pipe", ["dict", "recurse"]]',
    'ts': '#%s!A2(R):.3:RD:["df", {"header": 0}]',
    'pl': '#%s!A1(R):._:R:"recurse"'

# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins,PyUnusedLocal
def _get_sheet_type(
        type=None, usage=None, cycle=None, scope='base', **kw):
    if type:
    elif scope == 'plan':
        type = 'pl'
    elif scope in ('flag', 'dice') or not cycle:
        type = 'pa'
        type = 'ts'
    return type

def _check_none(v):
    if v is None:
        return True
    elif isinstance(v, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(v, str) \
            and len(v) <= 1:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return _check_none(next(iter(v))) if len(v) == 1 else True
    return False

def _isempty(val):
    return isinstance(val, float) and math.isnan(val) or _check_none(val)

# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def _get_cycle(cycle=None, usage=None, **kw):
    if cycle is None or cycle == 'all':
        cycle = 'nedc_h', 'nedc_l', 'wltp_h', 'wltp_l'
        if cycle == 'all':
            cycle += 'wltp_p',
    elif cycle == 'wltp':
        cycle = 'wltp_h', 'wltp_l'
    elif cycle == 'nedc':
        cycle = 'nedc_h', 'nedc_l'
    elif cycle in ('all-h', 'all_h'):
        cycle = 'nedc_h', 'wltp_h'
    elif cycle in ('all-l', 'all_l'):
        cycle = 'nedc_l', 'wltp_l'
    elif isinstance(cycle, str):
        cycle = cycle.replace('-', '_')

    return cycle

# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def _get_default_stage(stage=None, cycle=None, usage=None, **kw):
    if stage is None:
        if cycle == 'wltp_p':
            stage = 'precondition'
        elif 'nedc' in cycle or usage == 'target':
            stage = 'prediction'
            stage = 'calibration'

    return stage.replace(' ', '')

def _parse_key(scope='base', usage='input', **match):
    if scope == 'flag':
        if match['flag'] == 'vehicle_family_id':
            scope = 'dice'
        yield scope, match['flag']
    elif scope == 'dice':
        yield scope, match['dice']
    elif scope == 'meta':
        meta = _re_space_dot.sub(match.get('meta', ''), '.').replace('-', '_')
        yield scope, meta, match['param']
    elif scope == 'plan':
        if 'param' in match:
            m = _re_params_name.match('.'.join((scope, match['param'])))
            if m:
                m = {i: j for i, j in m.groupdict().items() if j}
                if 'index' in m:
                    match = m

        if 'index' in match:
            yield scope, match['index']
            for k in _parse_key(match.get('v_scope', 'base'), usage, **match):
                yield scope, '.'.join(k)
    elif scope == 'base':
        i = match['param']

        if i.lower() == 'version':
            yield 'flag', 'input_version'
            m = match.copy()
            for c in sh.stlp(_get_cycle(usage=usage, **match)):
                m['cycle'] = c
                stage = _get_default_stage(usage=usage, **m)
                yield scope, usage, stage, c, i

def _parse_values(data, default=None, where=''):
    default = default or {}
    for k, v in data.items():
        k = k.strip(' ')
        match = _re_params_name.match(k) if k is not None else None
        if not match and default.get('scope') == 'meta':
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            match = _re_params_name.match(
                '.'.join(filter(bool, ('meta', default.get('meta'), k)))
        if not match:
            log.warning("Parameter '%s' %s cannot be parsed!", k, where)
        elif _isempty(v):
        match = {i: j.lower() for i, j in match.groupdict().items() if j}

        for key in _parse_key(**sh.combine_dicts(default, match)):
            yield key, v

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def _lasso_filters():
    from pandalone.xleash._filter import install_default_filters
    from pandalone.xleash._pandas_filters import install_filters

    filters = {}
    return filters

def _parse_sheet(match, sheet, sheet_name, res=None):
    if res is None:
        res = {}

    sh_type = _get_sheet_type(**match)
    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    from pandalone.xleash._lasso import lasso
    data = lasso(
        _xl_ref[sh_type] % sheet_name, sheet=sheet,

    if sh_type == 'pl':
            import pandas as pd
            data = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0])
        except IndexError:
            return None
        if 'id' not in data:
            data['id'] = data.index + 1
            data['id'] = data['id'].apply(
                lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x

        data.set_index(['id'], inplace=True)
        data.dropna(how='all', inplace=True)
        data.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
    elif sh_type == 'ts':
        data.dropna(how='all', inplace=True)
        data.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        mask = data.count(0) == len(data._get_axis(0))
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        drop = [k for k, v in mask.items() if not v]
        if drop:
            msg = 'Columns {} in {} sheet contains nan.\n ' \
                  'Please correct the inputs!'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(drop, sheet_name))
        data = data.to_dict('list')
        data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k}

    for k, v in _parse_values(data, match, "in sheet '%s'" % sheet_name):
        sh.get_nested_dicts(res, *k[:-1])[k[-1]] = v
    return res

def _add_times_base(data, scope='base', usage='input', **match):
    if scope != 'base':
    sh_type = _get_sheet_type(scope=scope, usage=usage, **match)
    n = (scope, 'target')
    if sh_type == 'ts' and sh.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *n):
        t = sh.get_nested_dicts(data, *n)
        for k, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(t, key=n, depth=2):
            if 'times' not in v:
                n = list(k + ('times',))
                n[1] = usage
                if sh.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *n):
                    v['times'] = sh.get_nested_dicts(data, *n)
                    for i, j in sh.stack_nested_keys(data, depth=4):
                        if 'times' in j:
                            v['times'] = j['times']

def _add_index_plan(plan, file_path):
    if 'base' not in plan:
        plan['base'] = file_path
        d = osp.dirname(file_path)
        plan['base'].fillna(osp.basename(file_path), inplace=True)
        plan['base'] = plan['base'].apply(
            lambda x: osp.isabs(x) and x or osp.join(d, x)

    plan['base'] = plan['base'].apply(osp.normpath)

    if 'run_base' not in plan:
        plan['run_base'] = True

    plan['id'] = plan.index
    return plan

def _finalize_plan(res, plans, file_path):
    import pandas as pd
    if not plans:
        plans = (pd.DataFrame(),)

    for k, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(res.get('plan', {}), depth=4):
        n = '.'.join(k)
        m = '.'.join(k[:-1])
        for p in plans:
            if any(c.startswith(m) for c in p.columns):
                if n in p:
                    p[n].fillna(value=v, inplace=True)
                    p[n] = v

    plan = pd.concat(plans, axis=1, copy=False, verify_integrity=True)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    return _add_index_plan(plan, file_path)

[docs]def parse_excel_file(input_file_name, input_file): """ Reads cycle's data and simulation plans. :param input_file_name: Input file name. :type input_file_name: str :param input_file: Input file. :type input_file: io.BytesIO :return: Raw input data. :rtype: dict """ import pandas as pd # noinspection PyProtectedMember from import _open_sheet_by_name_or_index xl_file, res, plans = pd.ExcelFile(input_file), {'base': {}}, [] for sheet_name in xl_file.sheet_names: match = _re_input_sheet_name.match(sheet_name.strip(' ')) if not match: log.debug("Sheet name '%s' cannot be parsed!", sheet_name) continue match = {k: v.lower() for k, v in match.groupdict().items() if v} # noinspection PyProtectedMember sheet = _open_sheet_by_name_or_index(, 'book', sheet_name) is_plan = match.get('scope', None) == 'plan' if is_plan: r = {'plan': pd.DataFrame()} else: r = {} r = _parse_sheet(match, sheet, sheet_name, res=r) if is_plan: plans.append(r['plan']) else: _add_times_base(r, **match) sh.combine_nested_dicts(r, depth=5, base=res) for k, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(res['base'], depth=3): if k[0] != 'target': v['cycle_type'] = v.get('cycle_type', k[-1].split('_')[0]).upper() v['cycle_name'] = v.get('cycle_name', k[-1]).upper() res['plan'] = _finalize_plan(res, plans, input_file_name).to_dict('records') return res