Source code for co2mpas.core.load.schema

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015-2019 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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It provides CO2MPAS schema parse/validator.

import re
import pprint
import logging
import functools
import numpy as np
import os.path as osp
import schedula as sh
from collections import Iterable, OrderedDict
from schema import Schema, Use, And, Or, Optional, SchemaError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]class Empty: def __repr__(self): return '%s' % self.__class__.__name__
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(data): if isinstance(data, str) and data == 'EMPTY': return sh.EMPTY try: empty = not (data or data == 0) except ValueError: empty = np.isnan(data).all() if empty: return sh.NONE else: raise SchemaError('%r is not empty' % data)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _function(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): def _check_function(f): assert callable(f) return f if read: error = error or 'should be a function!' return _eval(Use(_check_function), error=error) return And(_check_function, Use(lambda x: sh.NONE), error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _string(error=None, **kwargs): error = error or 'should be a string!' return Use(str, error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _select(types=(), error=None, **kwargs): error = error or 'should be one of {}!'.format(types) types = {k.lower(): k for k in types} return And(str, Use(lambda x: types[x.lower()]), error=error) def _check_positive(x): return x >= 0 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyShadowingBuiltins def _positive(type=float, error=None, check=_check_positive, **kwargs): error = error or 'should be as {} and positive!'.format(type) return And(Use(type), check, error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _limits(limits=(0, 100), error=None, **kwargs): error = error or 'should be {} <= x <= {}!'.format(*limits) def _check_limits(x): return limits[0] <= x <= limits[1] return And(Use(float), _check_limits, error=error) _usersyms = { 'no_model': lambda *x: 0 } # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _eval(s, error=None, usersyms=None, **kwargs): error = error or 'cannot be eval!' from asteval import Interpreter usersyms = sh.combine_dicts(_usersyms, usersyms or {}) return Or(And(str, Use(Interpreter(usersyms=usersyms).eval), s), s, error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyShadowingBuiltins def _dict(format=None, error=None, read=True, pformat=pprint.pformat, **kwargs): format = And(dict, format or {int: float}) error = error or 'should be a dict with this format {}!'.format(format) c = Use(lambda x: {k: v for k, v in dict(x).items() if v is not None}) if read: return _eval(Or(Empty(), And(c, Or(Empty(), format))), error=error) else: return And(_dict(format=format, error=error), Use(pformat)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyShadowingBuiltins def _ordict(format=None, error=None, read=True, **kwargs): format = format or {int: float} msg = 'should be a OrderedDict with this format {}!' error = error or msg.format(format) c = Use(OrderedDict) if read: return _eval( Or(Empty(), And(c, Or(Empty(), format))), error=error, usersyms={'OrderedDict': OrderedDict} ) else: return And(_dict(format=format, error=error), Use(pprint.pformat)) def _check_length(length): if not isinstance(length, Iterable): length = (length,) def _check(data): ld = len(data) return any(ld == l for l in length) return _check # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyShadowingBuiltins def _type(type=None, error=None, length=None, **kwargs): type = type or tuple usersyms = {getattr(type, '__name__', 'type'): type} if length is not None: error = error or 'should be as {} and ' \ 'with a length of {}!'.format(type, length) return And(_type(type=type), _check_length(length), error=error) if not isinstance(type, (Use, Schema, And, Or)): type = Or(type, Use(type)) error = error or 'should be as {}!'.format(type) return _eval(type, error=error, usersyms=usersyms) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _index_dict(error=None, **kwargs): error = error or 'cannot be parsed as {}!'.format({int: float}) c = {int: Use(float)} s = And(dict, c) def _f(x): return {k: v for k, v in enumerate(x, start=1)} return Or(s, And(_dict(), c), And(_type(), Use(_f), c), error=error) def _np_array2list(x): r = x.astype(object) r[np.isnan(x)] = None return r.tolist() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _np_array(dtype=None, error=None, read=True, **kwargs): dtype = dtype or float error = error or 'cannot be parsed as np.array dtype={}!'.format(dtype) if read: c = Use(lambda x: np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype)) return Or(And(str, _eval( c, usersyms={'np.array': np.array} )), c, And(_type(), c), Empty(), error=error) else: return And(_np_array(dtype=dtype), Use(_np_array2list), error=error) def _check_np_array_positive(x): """ :param x: Array. :type x: numpy.array :return: """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return (x >= 0).all() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _np_array_positive(dtype=None, error=None, read=True, check=_check_np_array_positive, **kwargs): dtype = dtype or float error = error or 'cannot be parsed because it should be an ' \ 'np.array dtype={} and positive!'.format(dtype) if read: c = And(Use(lambda x: np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype)), check) return Or(And(str, _eval( c, usersyms={'np.array': np.array} )), c, And(_type(), c), Empty(), error=error) else: return And( _np_array_positive(dtype=dtype), Use(lambda x: x.tolist()), error=error ) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _alternator_current_model(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): if read: from ..model.physical.electrics.motors.alternator.current import ( AlternatorCurrentModel ) return _type(type=AlternatorCurrentModel, error=error) return And(_alternator_current_model(), Use(lambda x: sh.NONE), error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _service_battery_status_model(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): if read: from ..model.physical.electrics.batteries.service.status import ( BatteryStatusModel ) return _type(type=BatteryStatusModel, error=error) return And( _service_battery_status_model(), Use(lambda x: sh.NONE), error=error ) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _engine_temperature_regression_model(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): if read: # noinspection PyProtectedMember from ..model.physical.engine._thermal import ThermalModel return _type(type=ThermalModel, error=error) return And( _engine_temperature_regression_model(), Use(lambda x: sh.NONE), error=error ) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _fmep_model(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): if read: from ..model.physical.engine.fc import FMEP return _type(type=FMEP, error=error) return And(_fmep_model(), Use(lambda x: sh.NONE), error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _cmv(error=None, **kwargs): from ..model.physical.gear_box.at_gear.cmv import CMV return _type(type=CMV, error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _mvl(error=None, **kwargs): from ..model.physical.gear_box.at_gear import MVL return _type(type=MVL, error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _gspv(error=None, **kwargs): from ..model.physical.gear_box.at_gear.gspv import GSPV return _type(type=GSPV, error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _gsch(error=None, **kwargs): from ..model.physical.gear_box.at_gear.gspv_ch import GSMColdHot return _type(type=GSMColdHot, error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _dtc(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): if read: from ..model.physical.gear_box.at_gear.dtgs import DTGS return _type(type=DTGS, error=error) return And(_dtc(), Use(lambda x: sh.NONE), error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _cvt(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): if read: from ..model.physical.gear_box.cvt import CVT return _type(type=CVT, error=error) return And(_dtc(), Use(lambda x: sh.NONE), error=error) def _parameters2str(data): from lmfit import Parameters if isinstance(data, Parameters): return data.dumps(sort_keys=True) def _str2parameters(data): if isinstance(data, str): from lmfit import Parameters p = Parameters() p.loads(data) return p return data def _parameters(error=None, read=True): if read: from lmfit import Parameters return And(Use(_str2parameters), _type(type=Parameters, error=error)) else: return And(_parameters(), Use(_parameters2str), error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _compare_str(s, **kwargs): return And(Use(str.lower), s.lower(), Use(lambda x: s)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _convert_str(old_str, new_str, **kwargs): return And(Use(str), Or(old_str, new_str), Use(lambda x: new_str)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _tyre_code(error=None, **kwargs): error = error or 'invalid tyre code!' # noinspection PyProtectedMember from ..model.physical.wheels import _re_tyre_code_iso, _re_tyre_code_numeric c = Or(_re_tyre_code_iso.match, _re_tyre_code_numeric.match) return And(str, c, error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _tyre_dimensions(error=None, **kwargs): error = error or 'invalid format for tyre dimensions!' # noinspection PyProtectedMember from ..model.physical.wheels import _format_tyre_dimensions return And(_dict(format=dict), Use(_format_tyre_dimensions), error=error)
[docs]def check_phases_separated(x): """ >>> bags = [ [3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 1, 1], # INVALID! [3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 4], # INVALID! [3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 1], # valid ['P1', 'P3', 'P3', 'P2'], # valid [False, False], # valid [], # valid ] >>> [check_phases_separated(x) for x in bags] [False, False, True, True, True, True] """ if not len(x): return True x = np.asarray(x) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences deduped_count = 1 + (x[1:] != x[:-1]).sum() # [3,3,1,1,3] --> len([3,1,3]) return deduped_count == np.unique(x).size
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _bag_phases(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): er = 'Phases must be separated!' if read: return And(_np_array(read=read), Schema(check_phases_separated, error=er), error=error) else: return And(_bag_phases(error), _np_array(read=False), error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _file(error=None, **kwargs): er = 'Must be a file!' return And(_string(), Schema(osp.isfile, error=er), error=error) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _dir(error=None, **kwargs): er = 'Must be a directory!' def _fun(x): return not osp.exists(x) or osp.isdir(x) return And(_string(), Schema(_fun, error=er), error=error) def _is_sorted(iterable, key=lambda a, b: a <= b): return all(key(a, b) for a, b in sh.pairwise(iterable)) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences @functools.lru_cache(None) def define_data_schema(read=True): """ Define data schema. :param read: Schema for reading? :type read: bool :return: Data schema. :rtype: schema.Schema """ cmv = _cmv(read=read) dtc = _dtc(read=read) cvt = _cvt(read=read) gspv = _gspv(read=read) gsch = _gsch(read=read) string = _string(read=read) positive = _positive(read=read) greater_than_zero = _positive( read=read, error='should be as <float> and greater than zero!', check=lambda x: x > 0 ) between_zero_and_one = _positive( read=read, error='should be as <float> and between zero and one!', check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1 ) greater_than_one = _positive( read=read, error='should be as <float> and greater than one!', check=lambda x: x >= 1 ) positive_int = _positive(type=int, read=read) greater_than_one_int = _positive( type=int, read=read, error='should be as <int> and greater than one!', check=lambda x: x >= 1 ) limits = _limits(read=read) index_dict = _index_dict(read=read) np_array = _np_array(read=read) np_array_sorted = _np_array_positive( read=read, error='cannot be parsed because it should be an ' 'np.array dtype=<float> with ascending order!', check=_is_sorted ) np_array_greater_than_minus_one = _np_array_positive( read=read, error='cannot be parsed because it should be an ' 'np.array dtype=<float> and all values >= -1!', check=lambda x: (x >= -1).all() ) np_array_bool = _np_array(dtype=bool, read=read) np_array_int = _np_array(dtype=int, read=read) _bool = _type(type=bool, read=read) function = _function(read=read) tuplefloat2 = _type( type=And(Use(tuple), (_type(float),)), length=2, read=read ) tuplefloat = _type(type=And(Use(tuple), (_type(float),)), read=read) dictstrdict = _dict(format={str: dict}, read=read) ordictstrdict = _ordict(format={str: dict}, read=read) parameters = _parameters(read=read) dictstrfloat = _dict(format={str: Use(float)}, read=read) dictarray = _dict(format={str: np_array}, read=read) tyre_code = _tyre_code(read=read) tyre_dimensions = _tyre_dimensions(read=read) schema = { _compare_str('CVT'): cvt, _compare_str('CMV'): cmv, _compare_str('CMV_Cold_Hot'): gsch, _compare_str('DTGS'): dtc, _compare_str('GSPV'): gspv, _compare_str('GSPV_Cold_Hot'): gsch, _compare_str('MVL'): _mvl(read=read), 'engine_n_cylinders': positive_int, 'lock_up_tc_limits': tuplefloat2, _convert_str( 'ki_factor', 'ki_multiplicative' ): greater_than_one, 'ki_additive': positive, 'drive_battery_technology': string, 'drive_battery_n_cells': greater_than_one_int, 'drive_battery_n_series_cells': greater_than_one_int, 'drive_battery_n_parallel_cells': greater_than_one_int, 'tyre_dimensions': tyre_dimensions, 'tyre_code': tyre_code, 'wltp_base_model': _dict(format=dict, read=read), 'fuel_type': _select(types=( 'gasoline', 'diesel', 'LPG', 'NG', 'ethanol', 'biodiesel', 'methanol', 'propane'), read=read), 'obd_fuel_type_code': positive_int, 'vehicle_category': _select(types='ABCDEFSMJ', read=read), 'vehicle_body': _select(types=( 'cabriolet', 'sedan', 'hatchback', 'stationwagon', 'suv/crossover', 'mpv', 'coupé', 'bus', 'bestelwagen', 'pick-up' ), read=read), 'tyre_class': _select(types=('C1', 'C2', 'C3'), read=read), 'tyre_category': _select(types='ABCDEFG', read=read), 'engine_fuel_lower_heating_value': positive, 'fuel_carbon_content': positive, 'engine_capacity': positive, 'engine_stroke': positive, 'engine_max_power': positive, _convert_str( 'engine_max_speed_at_max_power', 'engine_speed_at_max_power' ): positive, 'engine_max_speed': positive, 'engine_max_torque': positive, 'idle_engine_speed_median': positive, 'engine_idle_fuel_consumption': greater_than_zero, 'final_drive_ratio': positive, 'r_dynamic': positive, 'n_wheel': positive_int, 'wheel_drive_load_fraction': between_zero_and_one, 'static_friction': greater_than_zero, 'tyre_state': _select(types=('new', 'worm'), read=read), 'road_state': _select( types=('dry', 'wet', 'rainfall', 'puddles', 'ice'), read=read ), 'wltp_class': _select(types=('class1', 'class2', 'class3a', 'class3b'), read=read), 'downscale_phases': tuplefloat, 'electrical_hybridization_degree': _select( types=('mild', 'full', 'plugin', 'electric'), read=read ), 'gear_box_type': _select( types=('manual', 'automatic', 'cvt', 'planetary'), read=read ), 'ignition_type': _select(types=('positive', 'compression'), read=read), 'start_stop_activation_time': positive, 'alternator_nominal_voltage': positive, _convert_str('battery_voltage', 'service_battery_nominal_voltage'): positive, _convert_str('battery_capacity', 'service_battery_capacity'): positive, _convert_str('state_of_charge_balance', 'service_battery_state_of_charge_balance'): limits, _convert_str('state_of_charge_balance_window', 'service_battery_state_of_charge_balance_window'): limits, _convert_str('initial_state_of_charge', 'initial_service_battery_state_of_charge'): limits, 'idle_engine_speed_std': positive, 'alternator_nominal_power': positive, 'alternator_efficiency': _limits(limits=(0, 1), read=read), 'time_cold_hot_transition': positive, 'co2_params': dictstrfloat, 'willans_factors': dictstrfloat, 'phases_willans_factors': _type( type=And(Use(tuple), (dictstrfloat,)), read=read), 'optimal_efficiency': dictarray, 'velocity_speed_ratios': index_dict, 'gear_box_ratios': index_dict, 'final_drive_ratios': index_dict, 'speed_velocity_ratios': index_dict, 'full_load_speeds': np_array_sorted, 'full_load_torques': np_array, 'full_load_powers': np_array, 'vehicle_mass': positive, 'f0_uncorrected': positive, 'f2': positive, 'f0': positive, 'correct_f0': _bool, 'co2_emission_low': positive, 'co2_emission_medium': positive, 'co2_emission_high': positive, 'co2_emission_extra_high': positive, _compare_str('co2_emission_UDC'): positive, _compare_str('co2_emission_EUDC'): positive, 'co2_emission_value': positive, 'declared_co2_emission_value': positive, 'n_dyno_axes': positive_int, 'n_wheel_drive': positive_int, 'rcb_correction': _bool, 'speed_distance_correction': _bool, 'engine_is_turbo': _bool, 'has_start_stop': _bool, 'has_gear_box_thermal_management': _bool, 'has_energy_recuperation': _bool, 'is_hybrid': _bool, 'has_roof_box': _bool, 'has_periodically_regenerating_systems': _bool, 'engine_has_variable_valve_actuation': _bool, 'has_thermal_management': _bool, 'engine_has_direct_injection': _bool, 'has_lean_burn': _bool, 'engine_has_cylinder_deactivation': _bool, 'has_exhausted_gas_recirculation': _bool, 'has_particle_filter': _bool, 'has_selective_catalytic_reduction': _bool, 'has_nox_storage_catalyst': _bool, 'has_torque_converter': _bool, 'is_cycle_hot': _bool, 'is_serial': _bool, 'use_dt_gear_shifting': _bool, _convert_str('eco_mode', 'fuel_saving_at_strategy'): _bool, 'correct_start_stop_with_gears': _bool, 'enable_phases_willans': _bool, 'enable_willans': _bool, 'has_engine_idle_coasting': _bool, 'has_engine_off_coasting': _bool, 'fuel_map': dictarray, 'transition_cycle_index': positive_int, 'alternator_charging_currents': tuplefloat2, 'relative_electric_energy_change': tuplefloat, 'alternator_current_model': _alternator_current_model(read=read), 'dcdc_current_model': _alternator_current_model(read=read), 'service_battery_status_model': _service_battery_status_model( read=read), 'clutch_speed_model': function, 'co2_emissions_model': function, 'co2_error_function_on_emissions': function, 'co2_error_function_on_phases': function, 'motor_p0_electric_power_loss_function': function, 'motor_p1_electric_power_loss_function': function, 'motor_p2_electric_power_loss_function': function, 'motor_p3_front_electric_power_loss_function': function, 'motor_p3_rear_electric_power_loss_function': function, 'motor_p4_front_electric_power_loss_function': function, 'motor_p4_rear_electric_power_loss_function': function, 'after_treatment_speed_model': function, 'after_treatment_power_model': function, 'clutch_window': tuplefloat2, 'co2_params_calibrated': parameters, 'co2_params_initial_guess': parameters, 'drive_battery_technology_type': string, 'cycle_type': string, 'cycle_name': string, 'specific_gear_shifting': string, 'calibration_status': _type( type=And(Use(list), [(bool, Or(parameters, None))]), length=4, read=read ), _convert_str('electric_load', 'service_battery_load'): tuplefloat2, 'engine_thermostat_temperature_window': tuplefloat2, 'engine_temperature_regression_model': _engine_temperature_regression_model(read=read), 'engine_type': string, 'starter_model': function, 'drive_battery_model': function, 'motor_p0_maximum_power_function': function, 'motor_p1_maximum_power_function': function, 'motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power_function': function, 'start_stop_hybrid_params': dictstrfloat, 'full_load_curve': function, 'fmep_model': _fmep_model(read=read), 'gear_box_efficiency_constants': dictstrdict, 'gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot': dictstrdict, 'scores': dictstrdict, 'param_selections': dictstrdict, 'model_selections': dictstrdict, 'score_by_model': dictstrdict, 'at_scores': ordictstrdict, 'fuel_density': positive, 'idle_engine_speed': tuplefloat2, 'k1': positive_int, 'k2': positive_int, 'k5': positive_int, 'max_gear': positive_int, 'hybrid_modes': np_array_int, 'road_loads': _type(type=And(Use(tuple), (_type(float),)), length=3, read=read), 'start_stop_model': function, 'gear_box_temperature_references': tuplefloat2, 'torque_converter_speed_model': function, 'phases_co2_emissions': tuplefloat, 'bag_phases': _bag_phases(read=read), 'phases_integration_times': _type(type=And(Use(tuple), (And(Use(tuple), (_type(float),)),)), read=read), 'active_cylinder_ratios': tuplefloat, 'extended_phases_co2_emissions': tuplefloat, 'extended_phases_integration_times': _type(type=And(Use(tuple), (And(Use(tuple), (_type(float),)),)), read=read), 'extended_integration_times': tuplefloat, 'phases_fuel_consumptions': tuplefloat, 'co2_rescaling_scores': tuplefloat, 'accelerations': np_array, 'alternator_currents': np_array, 'active_cylinders': np_array, 'alternator_powers': np_array, _convert_str('alternator_statuses', 'service_battery_charging_statuses'): np_array_int, 'auxiliaries_power_losses': np_array, 'auxiliaries_torque_loss_factors': tuplefloat, 'auxiliaries_torque_losses': np_array, _convert_str('battery_currents', 'service_battery_currents'): np_array, 'clutch_tc_powers': np_array, 'clutch_tc_speeds_delta': np_array, 'co2_emissions': np_array, 'after_treatment_speeds_delta': np_array, 'engine_coolant_temperatures': np_array, 'engine_powers_out': np_array, 'engine_speeds_out': np_array, 'engine_speeds_out_hot': np_array, 'engine_starts': np_array_bool, 'co2_normalization_references': np_array, 'final_drive_powers_in': np_array, 'final_drive_speeds_in': np_array, 'final_drive_torques_in': np_array, 'fuel_consumptions': np_array, 'gear_box_efficiencies': np_array, 'gear_box_powers_in': np_array, 'gear_box_speeds_in': np_array, 'gear_box_temperatures': np_array, 'gear_box_torque_losses': np_array, 'gear_box_torques_in': np_array, 'gear_shifts': np_array_bool, 'gears': np_array_int, 'identified_co2_emissions': np_array, 'motive_powers': np_array, 'on_engine': np_array_bool, 'clutch_phases': np_array_bool, 'after_treatment_warm_up_phases': np_array_bool, 'on_idle': np_array_bool, _convert_str('state_of_charges', 'service_battery_state_of_charges'): np_array, 'times': np_array_sorted, 'velocities': np_array_greater_than_minus_one, _compare_str('obd_velocities'): np_array_greater_than_minus_one, 'wheel_powers': np_array, 'wheel_speeds': np_array, 'wheel_torques': np_array, } try: from co2mpas_driver.co2mpas import plugin_schema schema = plugin_schema(schema) except ImportError: pass schema = {Optional(k): Or(Empty(), v) for k, v in schema.items()} schema[Optional(str)] = Or(_type(type=float, read=read), np_array) if not read: def _f(x): return x is sh.NONE schema = {k: And(v, Or(_f, Use(str))) for k, v in schema.items()} return Schema(schema) vehicle_family_id_pattern = r''' (?: (IP|RL|RM|PR) - (\d{2}) - ([A-Z0-9_]{2,3}) - (\d{4}) - (\d{4}) ) | (?: IP - ([A-Z0-9_]{2,15}) - ([A-Z0-9_]{3}) - ([01]) ) ''' _vehicle_family_id_regex = re.compile('(?x)^%s$' % vehicle_family_id_pattern) invalid_vehicle_family_id_msg = ( "Invalid VF_ID '%s'!" "\n New format is 'IP-nnn-WMI-x', where nnn is (2, 15) chars " "of A-Z, 0-9, or underscore(_)," "\n (old format 'FT-ta-WMI-yyyy-nnnn' is still acceptable)." ) def _vehicle_family_id(error=None, **kwargs): def _m(s): if not _vehicle_family_id_regex.match(s): raise SchemaError(invalid_vehicle_family_id_msg % s) return True return And(_string(**kwargs), _m, error=error) def _input_version(error=None, read=True, **kwargs): def _check_data_version(input_version): from co2mpas import __file_version__ as exp_ver exp_vinfo = tuple(exp_ver.split('.')) got_vinfo = tuple(input_version.split('.')) if not read or got_vinfo[:2] == exp_vinfo[:2]: return True if got_vinfo[:1] != exp_vinfo[:1]: msg = "Input-file version %s is incompatible with expected %s.\n" \ " More failures may happen." elif got_vinfo[:2] > exp_vinfo[:2]: msg = "Input-file version %s comes from the (incompatible) " \ "future (> %s).\n More failures may happen." else: msg = "Input-file version %s is old (< %s)." \ "\n You may need to update it, to use new fields." log.warning(msg, input_version, exp_ver) return True return And(_string(**kwargs), _check_data_version, error=error) @functools.lru_cache(None) def define_flags_schema(read=True): """ Define flag schema. :param read: Schema for reading? :type read: bool :return: Flag schema. :rtype: schema.Schema """ string = _string(read=read) isfile = _file(read=read) isdir = _dir(read=read) _bool = _type(type=bool, read=read) schema = { _compare_str('input_version'): _input_version(read=read), _compare_str('model_conf'): isfile, _compare_str('encryption_keys'): string, _compare_str('encryption_keys_passwords'): string, _compare_str('sign_key'): string, _compare_str('hard_validation'): _bool, _compare_str('enable_selector'): _bool, _compare_str('declaration_mode'): _bool, _compare_str('only_summary'): _bool, _compare_str('augmented_summary'): _bool, _compare_str('type_approval_mode'): _bool, _compare_str('output_template'): isfile, _compare_str('output_folder'): isdir, } schema = {Optional(k): Or(Empty(), v) for k, v in schema.items()} if not read: def _f(x): return x is sh.NONE schema = {k: And(v, Or(_f, Use(str))) for k, v in schema.items()} return Schema(schema)