Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.electrics.batteries.service.status

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Functions and `dsp` model to model the alternator status.
import numpy as np
import schedula as sh
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl
import co2mpas.utils as co2_utl

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='Service Battery Status model',
    description='Models the Service Battery Charging Status.'

# noinspection PyPep8
[docs]@sh.add_function( dsp, outputs=['service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold'] ) def define_service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold( service_battery_capacity, service_battery_nominal_voltage): """ Identifies the service battery electric powers supply threshold [kW] that define when the the service battery is not charging. :param service_battery_capacity: Service battery capacity [Ah]. :type service_battery_capacity: float :param service_battery_nominal_voltage: Service battery nominal voltage [V]. :type service_battery_nominal_voltage: float :return: Service battery not charging power threshold [kW]. :rtype: float """ d = dfl.functions.define_service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold c = max(-service_battery_capacity * 36 * d.min_soc, d.min_current) return c * service_battery_nominal_voltage / 1e3
dsp.add_data( 'service_battery_start_window_width', dfl.values.service_battery_start_window_width )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['service_battery_starts_windows']) def identify_service_battery_starts_windows( times, engine_starts, alternator_electric_powers, service_battery_start_window_width, service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold): """ Identifies the alternator starts windows [-]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param engine_starts: When the engine starts [-]. :type engine_starts: numpy.array :param alternator_electric_powers: Alternator electric power [kW]. :type alternator_electric_powers: numpy.array :param service_battery_start_window_width: Service battery start window width [s]. :type service_battery_start_window_width: float :param service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold: Service battery not charging power threshold [kW]. :type service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold: float :return: Service battery starts windows [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ ts, dt = times[engine_starts], service_battery_start_window_width / 2 starts_windows = np.zeros_like(times, dtype=bool) ind = np.searchsorted(times, np.column_stack((ts - dt, ts + dt + dfl.EPS))) b = service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold b = alternator_electric_powers >= b for i, j in ind: starts_windows[i:j] = b[i:j].any() return starts_windows
def _set_alt_init_status(times, initialization_time, statuses): if initialization_time > 0: statuses[:co2_utl.argmax(times > (times[0] + initialization_time))] = 3 return statuses def _mask_boolean_phases(b): s = np.zeros(len(b) + 2, dtype=bool) s[1:-1] = b mask = np.column_stack((s[1:], s[:-1])) & (s[:-1] != s[1:])[:, None] return np.where(mask)[0].reshape((-1, 2))
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['service_battery_charging_statuses']) def identify_service_battery_charging_statuses( times, alternator_electric_powers, dcdc_converter_electric_powers, motive_powers, on_engine, service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold, service_battery_starts_windows, service_battery_initialization_time): """ Identifies service battery charging statuses: Discharge (0), Charging (1), BERS (2), and Initialization(3) [-]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param alternator_electric_powers: Alternator electric power [kW]. :type alternator_electric_powers: numpy.array :param dcdc_converter_electric_powers: DC/DC converter electric power [kW]. :type dcdc_converter_electric_powers: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param on_engine: If the engine is on [-]. :type on_engine: numpy.array :param service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold: Service battery not charging power threshold [kW]. :type service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold: float :param service_battery_starts_windows: Service battery starts windows [-]. :type service_battery_starts_windows: numpy.array :param service_battery_initialization_time: Service battery initialization time delta [s]. :type service_battery_initialization_time: float :return: Service battery charging statuses (0: Discharge, 1: Charging, 2: BERS, 3: Initialization) [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ threshold = service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold b = (alternator_electric_powers < threshold) & on_engine status = b.astype(int, copy=True) status[b & (motive_powers < 0)] = 2 off = ~on_engine | service_battery_starts_windows mask = _mask_boolean_phases(status != 1) for i, j in mask: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if ((status[i:j] == 2) | off[i:j]).all(): status[i:j] = 1 status[dcdc_converter_electric_powers < threshold] = 1 _set_alt_init_status(times, service_battery_initialization_time, status) return status
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['service_battery_initialization_time']) def identify_service_battery_initialization_time( alternator_electric_powers, motive_powers, accelerations, service_battery_state_of_charges, service_battery_charging_statuses, times, service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold): """ Identifies the alternator initialization time delta [s]. :param alternator_electric_powers: Alternator electric power [kW]. :type alternator_electric_powers: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param accelerations: Vehicle acceleration [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param service_battery_state_of_charges: State of charge of the service battery [%]. :type service_battery_state_of_charges: numpy.array :param service_battery_charging_statuses: Service battery charging statuses (0: Discharge, 1: Charging, 2: BERS, 3: Initialization) [-]. :type service_battery_charging_statuses: numpy.array :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold: Service battery not charging power threshold [kW]. :type service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold: float :return: Service battery initialization time delta [s]. :rtype: float """ bats, p = service_battery_charging_statuses, motive_powers i = co2_utl.argmax(bats != 0) if bats[0] == 1 or (i and ((bats[:i] == 0) & (p[:i] == 0)).all()): s = service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold s = alternator_electric_powers < s n, i = len(times), int(co2_utl.argmax((s[:-1] != s[1:]) & s[:-1])) i = min(n - 1, i) # noinspection PyProtectedMember from ....engine._thermal import _build_samples, _XGBRegressor x, y = _build_samples( alternator_electric_powers, service_battery_state_of_charges, bats, p, accelerations ) j = min(i, int(n / 2)) # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault model = _XGBRegressor( random_state=0, max_depth=2, n_estimators=int(min(100.0, 0.25 * (n - j))) or 1, objective='reg:squarederror' ).fit(x[j:], y[j:]) err = np.abs(y - model.predict(x)) sets = np.array(co2_utl.get_inliers(err)[0], dtype=int)[:i] if (i and sum(sets) / i < 0.5) or i > j: from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier reg = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1, random_state=0)[1:i + 1, None], sets) s, r = reg.tree_.children_left[0], reg.tree_.children_right[0] s, r = np.argmax(reg.tree_.value[s]), np.argmax(reg.tree_.value[r]) if s == 0 and r == 1: return reg.tree_.threshold[0] - times[0] elif r == 0 and not i > j: return times[i] - times[0] elif bats[0] == 3: i = co2_utl.argmax(bats != 3) return times[i] - times[0] return 0.0
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=[ 'service_battery_charging_statuses', 'service_battery_initialization_time' ], weight=1) def identify_service_battery_charging_statuses_and_initialization_time( times, accelerations, on_engine, alternator_electric_powers, dcdc_converter_electric_powers, motive_powers, service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold, service_battery_starts_windows, service_battery_state_of_charges): """ Identifies the service battery charging statuses [-] and its initialization time delta [s]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param alternator_electric_powers: Alternator electric power [kW]. :type alternator_electric_powers: numpy.array :param dcdc_converter_electric_powers: DC/DC converter electric power [kW]. :type dcdc_converter_electric_powers: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param on_engine: If the engine is on [-]. :type on_engine: numpy.array :param service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold: Service battery not charging power threshold [kW]. :type service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold: float :param service_battery_starts_windows: Service battery starts windows [-]. :type service_battery_starts_windows: numpy.array :param accelerations: Acceleration [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param service_battery_state_of_charges: State of charge of the service battery [%]. :type service_battery_state_of_charges: numpy.array :return: Service battery charging statuses (0: Discharge, 1: Charging, 2: BERS, 3: Initialization) [-] and its initialization time delta [s]. :rtype: numpy.array, float """ statuses = identify_service_battery_charging_statuses( times, alternator_electric_powers, dcdc_converter_electric_powers, motive_powers, on_engine, service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold, service_battery_starts_windows, 0 ) initialization_time = identify_service_battery_initialization_time( alternator_electric_powers, motive_powers, accelerations, service_battery_state_of_charges, statuses, times, service_battery_electric_powers_supply_threshold ) _set_alt_init_status(times, initialization_time, statuses) return statuses, initialization_time
def _identify_balance_soc(times, state_of_charges): import lmfit parameters = lmfit.Parameters() parameters.add('B', value=np.median(state_of_charges), min=0.0, max=100.0) parameters.add('A', value=0) parameters.add('X0', value=1.0, min=0.0) x = (times - times[0]) / (times[-1] - times[0]) n = len(x) # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring def func(params): p = params.valuesdict() y = np.tile(p['B'], n) b = x < p['X0'] y[b] += p['A'] * (x[b] - p['X0']) ** 2 return y # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring def error(params): return co2_utl.mae(state_of_charges, func(params)) # noinspection PyProtectedMember from ....engine.fc import _calibrate_model_params return _calibrate_model_params(error, parameters)[0].valuesdict()['B'] # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring,PyPep8Naming
[docs]class BatteryStatusModel:
[docs] def __init__(self, bers_pred=None, charge_pred=None, min_soc=0.0, max_soc=100.0): self.charge = charge_pred or (lambda X: np.zeros(len(X), dtype=bool)) self.bers = bers_pred self.max = max_soc self.min = min_soc
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.predict(*args, **kwargs) def _fit_bers(self, charging_statuses, motive_powers): b = charging_statuses == 2 threshold = 0.0 if b.any(): from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier q = dfl.functions.BatteryStatusModel.min_percentile_bers m = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0, max_depth=2) c = charging_statuses != 1 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences[c, None], b[c]) X = motive_powers[b, None] if (np.sum(m.predict(X)) / X.shape[0] * 100) >= q: self.bers = m.predict # shortcut name return self.bers # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if not b.all(): gb_p_s = motive_powers[_mask_boolean_phases(b)[:, 0]] threshold = min(threshold, np.percentile(gb_p_s, q)) self.bers = lambda x: np.asarray(x) < threshold return self.bers # noinspection PyShadowingNames def _fit_charge(self, charging_statuses, state_of_charges, times, is_hybrid): b = charging_statuses[1:] == 1 self.max, self.min = 100.0, 0.0 if b.all(): self.min = max(state_of_charges) elif b.any(): from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier charge = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0, max_depth=3) X = np.column_stack( (charging_statuses[:-1], state_of_charges[1:]) ), b) soc = state_of_charges[charging_statuses == 1] X = np.column_stack(( np.ones(100), np.linspace(soc.min(), soc.max(), 100) )) s = np.where(charge.predict(X))[0] if is_hybrid: self.charge = lambda x: [x[0][0] == 1] else: self.charge = charge.predict if s.shape[0]: self.min, self.max = X[s[0], 1], X[s[-1], 1] self._fit_boundaries(charging_statuses, state_of_charges, times) def _fit_boundaries(self, charging_statuses, state_of_charges, times): n, b = len(charging_statuses), charging_statuses == 1 mask = _mask_boolean_phases(b) _max, _min, balance = [], [], () from scipy.stats import linregress min_dt = dfl.functions.BatteryStatusModel.min_delta_time_boundaries for i, j in mask: t = times[i:j] if t[-1] - t[0] <= min_dt: continue soc = state_of_charges[i:j] m, q = linregress(t, soc)[:2] if m >= 0: if i > 0: _min.append(soc.min()) if j < n: _max.append(soc.max()) min_delta_soc = dfl.functions.BatteryStatusModel.min_delta_soc if _min: self.min = _min = max(self.min, min(100.0, min(_min))) _max = [m for m in _max if m >= _min] if _max: self.max = min(100.0, min(max(_max), _min + min_delta_soc)) else: self.max = min(100.0, _min + min_delta_soc) elif _max: self.max = _max = min(self.max, max(0.0, max(_max))) self.min = _max - min_delta_soc elif b.any() and not b.all(): balance = _identify_balance_soc(times, state_of_charges) # noinspection PyTypeChecker std = np.sqrt(np.mean((balance - state_of_charges) ** 2)) * 2 std = min(min_delta_soc, std) self.max = min(balance + std, 100.0) self.min = max(balance - std, 0.0)
[docs] def fit(self, is_hybrid, times, charging_statuses, state_of_charges, motive_powers): i = co2_utl.argmax(charging_statuses != 3) status, soc = charging_statuses[i:], state_of_charges[i:] self._fit_bers(status, motive_powers[i:]) self._fit_charge(status, soc, times[i:], is_hybrid) return self
[docs] def predict(self, has_energy_rec, init_time, time, prev, soc, power): status = 0 if soc < 100: func = self.charge if time < init_time: status = 3 elif soc < self.min or (soc <= self.max and func([[prev, soc]])[0]): status = 1 elif has_energy_rec and self.bers([(power,)])[0]: status = 2 return status
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['service_battery_status_model'], weight=10) def calibrate_service_battery_status_model( is_hybrid, times, service_battery_charging_statuses, service_battery_state_of_charges, motive_powers): """ Calibrates the service battery charging status model. :param is_hybrid: Is the vehicle hybrid? :type is_hybrid: bool :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param service_battery_charging_statuses: Service battery charging statuses (0: Discharge, 1: Charging, 2: BERS, 3: Initialization) [-]. :type service_battery_charging_statuses: numpy.array :param service_battery_state_of_charges: State of charge of the service battery [%]. :type service_battery_state_of_charges: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :return: A function that predicts the service battery charging status. :rtype: callable """ return BatteryStatusModel().fit( is_hybrid, times, service_battery_charging_statuses, service_battery_state_of_charges, motive_powers )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['service_battery_status_model']) def define_service_battery_status_model( service_battery_state_of_charge_balance, service_battery_state_of_charge_balance_window): """ Defines the service battery charging status model. :param service_battery_state_of_charge_balance: Service battery state of charge balance [%]. :type service_battery_state_of_charge_balance: float :param service_battery_state_of_charge_balance_window: Service battery state of charge balance [%]. :type service_battery_state_of_charge_balance_window: float :return: A function that predicts the service battery charging status. :rtype: callable """ m = service_battery_state_of_charge_balance w = service_battery_state_of_charge_balance_window / 2 return BatteryStatusModel( charge_pred=lambda x: [x[0][0] == 1], bers_pred=lambda x: [x[0][0] < 0], min_soc=m - w, max_soc=m + w )
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=[ 'service_battery_state_of_charge_balance', 'service_battery_state_of_charge_balance_window' ]) def identify_service_battery_state_of_charge_balance_and_window( service_battery_status_model): """ Identify the service battery state of charge balance and window [%]. :param service_battery_status_model: A function that predicts the service battery charging status. :type service_battery_status_model: BatteryStatusModel :return: Service battery state of charge balance and window [%]. :rtype: float, float """ model = service_battery_status_model state_of_charge_balance_window = model.max - model.min state_of_charge_balance = model.min + state_of_charge_balance_window / 2 return state_of_charge_balance, state_of_charge_balance_window