Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.electrics.motors.planet

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Functions and `dsp` model to model the electric motor in planetary P2 position.
import numpy as np
import schedula as sh
import co2mpas.utils as co2_utl
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='Motor P2 planetary',
    description='Models the planetary motor P2 '
                '(motor acting on the planetary gear-set).'

[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power']) def identify_motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power(motor_p2_planetary_powers): """ Identify the maximum power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :param motor_p2_planetary_powers: Power at planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_powers: numpy.array :return: Maximum power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :rtype: float """ from .p4 import identify_motor_p4_maximum_power as func return func(motor_p2_planetary_powers)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque']) def identify_motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque(motor_p2_planetary_torques): """ Identify the maximum torque of planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :param motor_p2_planetary_torques: Torque at planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :type motor_p2_planetary_torques: numpy.array :return: Maximum torque of planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :rtype: float """ from .p4 import identify_motor_p4_maximum_torque as func return func(motor_p2_planetary_torques)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power( motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed, motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque): """ Calculate the maximum power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :param motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed: Rated speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :type motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed: float :param motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque: Maximum torque of planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :type motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque: float :return: Maximum power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :rtype: float """ from .p4 import calculate_motor_p4_maximum_power as f return f(motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed, motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed( motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power, motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque): """ Calculate the rated speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :param motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power: Maximum power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power: float :param motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque: Maximum torque of planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :type motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque: float :return: Rated speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :rtype: float """ from .p4 import calculate_motor_p4_rated_speed as func return func( motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power, motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_maximum_torque( motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power, motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed): """ Calculate the maximum torque of planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :param motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power: Maximum power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power: float :param motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed: Rated speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :type motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed: float :return: Maximum torque of planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :rtype: float """ from .p4 import calculate_motor_p4_maximum_torque as f return f(motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power, motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power_function']) def define_motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power_function( motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power, motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed): """ Define the maximum power function of planetary motor P2. :param motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power: Maximum power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power: float :param motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed: Rated speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :type motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed: float :return: Maximum power function of planetary motor P2. :rtype: function """ from .p4 import define_motor_p4_maximum_power_function as f func = f(motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power, motor_p2_planetary_rated_speed) def _maximum_power_function(speeds): return func(np.abs(speeds)) return _maximum_power_function
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_maximum_powers']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_maximum_powers( motor_p2_planetary_speeds, motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power_function): """ Calculate the maximum power vector of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :param motor_p2_planetary_speeds: Rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :type motor_p2_planetary_speeds: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power_function: Maximum power function of planetary motor P2. :type motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power_function: function :return: Maximum power vector of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ from .p4 import calculate_motor_p4_maximum_powers as func return func( motor_p2_planetary_speeds, motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power_function )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio']) def identify_motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio( planetary_speeds_in, motor_p2_planetary_speeds): """ Identifies planetary motor P2 speed ratio. :param planetary_speeds_in: Planetary speed vector [RPM]. :type planetary_speeds_in: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_speeds: Rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :type motor_p2_planetary_speeds: numpy.array | float :return: Ratio between planetary motor P2 speed and planetary speed [-]. :rtype: float """ from .p4 import identify_motor_p4_speed_ratio as func return func(planetary_speeds_in, motor_p2_planetary_speeds)
dsp.add_data('motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio', 1, sh.inf(10, 1))
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_speeds']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_speeds( planetary_speeds_in, motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio): """ Calculates rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :param planetary_speeds_in: Planetary speed vector [RPM]. :type planetary_speeds_in: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio: Ratio between planetary motor P2 speed and planetary speed [-]. :type motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio: float :return: Rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ return planetary_speeds_in * motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio
@sh.add_function(dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['planetary_speeds_in']) def calculate_planetary_speeds_in( motor_p2_planetary_speeds, motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio=1): """ Calculates Gear box speed vector [RPM]. :param motor_p2_planetary_speeds: Rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :type motor_p2_planetary_speeds: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio: Ratio between planetary motor P2 speed and planetary speed [-]. :type motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio: float :return: Planetary speed vector [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ return motor_p2_planetary_speeds / motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_torques']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_torques( motor_p2_planetary_powers, motor_p2_planetary_speeds): """ Calculates torque at planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :param motor_p2_planetary_powers: Power at planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_powers: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_speeds: Rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :type motor_p2_planetary_speeds: numpy.array | float :return: Torque at planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ from ...wheels import calculate_wheel_torques as func return func(motor_p2_planetary_powers, motor_p2_planetary_speeds)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_powers']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_powers( motor_p2_planetary_torques, motor_p2_planetary_speeds): """ Calculates power at planetary motor P2 [kW]. :param motor_p2_planetary_torques: Torque at planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :type motor_p2_planetary_torques: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_speeds: Rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :type motor_p2_planetary_speeds: numpy.array | float :return: Power at planetary motor P2 [kW]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ from ...wheels import calculate_wheel_powers as func return func(motor_p2_planetary_torques, motor_p2_planetary_speeds)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_speeds']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_speeds_v1( motor_p2_planetary_powers, motor_p2_planetary_torques): """ Calculates rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :param motor_p2_planetary_powers: Power at planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_powers: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_torques: Torque at planetary motor P2 [N*m]. :type motor_p2_planetary_torques: numpy.array | float :return: Rotating speed of planetary motor P2 [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ from ...wheels import calculate_wheel_torques as func return func(motor_p2_planetary_powers, motor_p2_planetary_torques)
dsp.add_data('motor_p2_planetary_efficiency', 0.9)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_electric_powers']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_electric_powers( motor_p2_planetary_powers, motor_p2_planetary_efficiency): """ Calculates planetary motor P2 electric power [kW]. :param motor_p2_planetary_powers: Power at planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_powers: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_efficiency: Motor P2 efficiency [-]. :type motor_p2_planetary_efficiency: float :return: Electric power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ from .p4 import calculate_motor_p4_electric_powers as func return func(motor_p2_planetary_powers, motor_p2_planetary_efficiency)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_powers']) def calculate_motor_p2_planetary_powers_v1( motor_p2_planetary_electric_powers, motor_p2_planetary_efficiency): """ Calculate planetary motor P2 power from electric power and losses [kW]. :param motor_p2_planetary_electric_powers: Electric power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_electric_powers: numpy.array | float :param motor_p2_planetary_efficiency: Motor P2 efficiency [-]. :type motor_p2_planetary_efficiency: float :return: Power at planetary motor P2 [kW]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ from .p4 import calculate_motor_p4_powers_v1 as f return f(motor_p2_planetary_electric_powers, motor_p2_planetary_efficiency)
dsp.add_data('has_motor_p2_planetary', False, sh.inf(10, 3))
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['has_motor_p2_planetary']) def identify_has_motor_p2(motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power): """ Identify if the vehicle has a planetary motor P2 [kW]. :param motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power: Maximum power of planetary motor P2 [kW]. :type motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power: float :return: Has the vehicle a motor in planetary P2? :rtype: bool """ from .p4 import identify_has_motor_p4 as func return func(motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['motor_p2_planetary_powers']) def default_motor_p2_planetary_powers(times, has_motor_p2_planetary): """ Return zero power if the vehicle has not a planetary motor P2 [kW]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param has_motor_p2_planetary: Has the vehicle a motor in planetary P2? :type has_motor_p2_planetary: bool :return: Power at planetary motor P2 [kW]. :rtype: numpy.array """ from .p4 import default_motor_p4_powers as func return func(times, has_motor_p2_planetary)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['planetary_speeds_in']) def calculate_planetary_speeds_in( engine_speeds_out, final_drive_speeds_in, planetary_ratio): """ Calculates the planetary speed [RPM]. :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param final_drive_speeds_in: Final drive speed in [RPM]. :type final_drive_speeds_in: numpy.array :param planetary_ratio: Fundamental planetary speed ratio [-]. :type planetary_ratio: float :return: Planetary speed vector [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array """ r = planetary_ratio return engine_speeds_out * (1 + r) - final_drive_speeds_in * r
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['engine_speeds_out']) def calculate_engine_speeds_out( planetary_speeds_in, final_drive_speeds_in, planetary_ratio): """ Calculates the engine speed [RPM]. :param planetary_speeds_in: Planetary speed vector [RPM]. :type planetary_speeds_in: numpy.array :param final_drive_speeds_in: Final drive speed in [RPM]. :type final_drive_speeds_in: numpy.array :param planetary_ratio: Fundamental planetary speed ratio [-]. :type planetary_ratio: float :return: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array """ if planetary_ratio == -1: return sh.NONE r = planetary_ratio return (planetary_speeds_in + final_drive_speeds_in * r) / (1 + r)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['final_drive_speeds_in']) def calculate_final_drive_speeds_in( planetary_speeds_in, engine_speeds_out, planetary_ratio): """ Calculates final drive speed [RPM]. :param planetary_speeds_in: Planetary speed vector [RPM]. :type planetary_speeds_in: numpy.array :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param planetary_ratio: Fundamental planetary speed ratio [-]. :type planetary_ratio: float :return: Final drive speed in [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array """ if not planetary_ratio: return sh.NONE r = planetary_ratio return (engine_speeds_out * (1 + r) - planetary_speeds_in) / r
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['planetary_ratio']) def identify_planetary_ratio( planetary_speeds_in, engine_speeds_out, final_drive_speeds_in): """ Calculates final drive speed [RPM]. :param planetary_speeds_in: Planetary speed vector [RPM]. :type planetary_speeds_in: numpy.array :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param final_drive_speeds_in: Final drive speed in [RPM]. :type final_drive_speeds_in: float :return: Fundamental planetary speed ratio [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ r = planetary_speeds_in - engine_speeds_out r /= engine_speeds_out - final_drive_speeds_in return co2_utl.reject_outliers(r)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['planetary_mean_efficiency']) def default_planetary_mean_efficiency(has_motor_p2_planetary): """ Returns the default planetary mean efficiency [-]. :param has_motor_p2_planetary: Has the vehicle a motor in planetary P2? :type has_motor_p2_planetary: bool :return: Planetary mean efficiency [-]. :rtype: float """ if has_motor_p2_planetary: return dfl.functions.default_planetary_mean_efficiency.efficiency return 1
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['planetary_ratio'], weight=sh.inf(10, 5)) def default_planetary_ratio(has_motor_p2_planetary): """ Returns the default fundamental planetary speed ratio [-]. :param has_motor_p2_planetary: Has the vehicle a motor in planetary P2? :type has_motor_p2_planetary: bool :return: Fundamental planetary speed ratio [-]. :rtype: float """ if has_motor_p2_planetary: return dfl.functions.default_planetary_ratio.ratio return 0