Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.gear_box.at_gear.core

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Core functions to predict the A/T gear shifting.
import collections
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl

[docs]def define_gear_filter( change_gear_window_width=dfl.values.change_gear_window_width): """ Defines a gear filter function. :param change_gear_window_width: Time window used to apply gear change filters [s]. :type change_gear_window_width: float :return: Gear filter function. :rtype: callable """ import numpy as np from co2mpas.utils import median_filter, clear_fluctuations def gear_filter(times, gears): """ Filter the gears to remove oscillations. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :return: Filtered gears [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ gears = median_filter( times, gears.astype(float), change_gear_window_width ) gears = clear_fluctuations(times, gears, change_gear_window_width) return np.asarray(gears, dtype=int) return gear_filter
[docs]def prediction_gears_gsm( correct_gear, gear_filter, gsm, times, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, cycle_type=None, velocity_speed_ratios=None, engine_coolant_temperatures=None): """ Predicts gears with a gear shifting model (cmv or gspv or dtgs or mgs) [-]. :param correct_gear: A function to correct the gear predicted. :type correct_gear: callable :param gear_filter: Gear filter function. :type gear_filter: callable :param cycle_type: Cycle type (WLTP or NEDC). :type cycle_type: str :param velocity_speed_ratios: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float] :param gsm: A gear shifting model (cmv or gspv or dtgs). :type gsm: GSPV | CMV | DTGS :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param accelerations: Vehicle acceleration [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array, optional :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param engine_coolant_temperatures: Engine coolant temperature vector [°C]. :type engine_coolant_temperatures: numpy.array :return: Predicted gears. :rtype: numpy.array """ if velocity_speed_ratios is not None and cycle_type is not None: from . import _upgrade_gsm gsm = _upgrade_gsm(gsm, velocity_speed_ratios, cycle_type) # noinspection PyArgumentList gears = gsm.predict( times, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, engine_coolant_temperatures, correct_gear=correct_gear, gear_filter=gear_filter ) return gears
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]class GSMColdHot(collections.OrderedDict):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, time_cold_hot_transition=0.0): super(GSMColdHot, self).__init__(*args) self.time_cold_hot_transition = time_cold_hot_transition
def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ items = [(k, v) for k, v in self.items()] s = '{}({}, time_cold_hot_transition={})'.format( name, items, self.time_cold_hot_transition ) return s.replace('inf', "float('inf')")
[docs] def fit(self, model_class, times, *args): import numpy as np self.clear() b = times <= self.time_cold_hot_transition for i in ['cold', 'hot']: if b.sum() > 2: a = (v[b] if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else v for v in args) self[i] = model_class().fit(*a) b = ~b if len(self) == 2 and set(self['cold']) == set(self['hot']): return self
# noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyCallByClass
[docs] def predict(self, *args, **kwargs): from .cmv import CMV return CMV.predict(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_gear(self, gears, times, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, engine_coolant_temperatures=None, correct_gear=lambda g, *args: g): from co2mpas.utils import List if gears is None: gears = List(dtype=int) gen = {k: v.init_gear( gears, times, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, engine_coolant_temperatures, correct_gear=correct_gear ) for k, v in self.items()} def _next(i): if times[i] < self.time_cold_hot_transition: return gen['cold'](i) return gen['hot'](i) return _next
[docs] def init_speed(self, *args, **kwargs): return self['hot'].init_speed(*args, **kwargs)