Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.gear_box.mechanical

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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Functions and `dsp` model to model the basic mechanics of the gear box.
import math
import numpy as np
import schedula as sh
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl
import co2mpas.utils as co2_utl

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='mechanical model',
    description='Models the gear box mechanical.'

def _correct_gear_shifts(
        times, ratios, gears, velocity_speed_ratios, shift_window=4.0):
    import scipy.optimize as sci_opt
    from . import calculate_gear_shifts
    shifts = calculate_gear_shifts(gears)
    vsr = np.vectorize(lambda v: velocity_speed_ratios.get(v, 0))
    s = len(gears)

    def _err(v, r):
        v = int(v) or 1
        return np.float32(co2_utl.mae(ratios[slice(v - 1, v + 1, 1)], r))

    k = 0
    new_gears = np.zeros_like(gears)
    dt = shift_window / 2
    for i in np.arange(s)[shifts]:
        g = gears[slice(i - 1, i + 1, 1)]
        j = int(i)
        if g[0] != 0 and g[-1] != 0:
            t = times[i]
            n = max(i - (((t - dt) <= times) & (times <= t)).sum(), min(i, k))
            m = min(i + ((t <= times) & (times <= (t + dt))).sum(), s)
            if n + 1 > m:
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                j = int(sci_opt.brute(
                    _err, (slice(n, m, 1),), args=(vsr(g),), finish=None)
        x = slice(j - 1, j + 1, 1)
        new_gears[x] = g
        new_gears[k:x.start] = g[0]
        k = x.stop

    new_gears[k:] = new_gears[k - 1]

    return new_gears

dsp.add_data('stop_velocity', dfl.values.stop_velocity)
dsp.add_data('plateau_acceleration', dfl.values.plateau_acceleration)
dsp.add_data('change_gear_window_width', dfl.values.change_gear_window_width)

[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gears']) def identify_gears( times, velocities, accelerations, gear_box_speeds_in, velocity_speed_ratios, stop_velocity, plateau_acceleration, change_gear_window_width, idle_engine_speed=(0, 0)): """ Identifies gear time series [-]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param accelerations: Acceleration vector [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_in: Gear box speed [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param velocity_speed_ratios: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float] :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :param plateau_acceleration: Maximum acceleration to be at constant velocity [m/s2]. :type plateau_acceleration: float :param change_gear_window_width: Time window used to apply gear change filters [s]. :type change_gear_window_width: float :param idle_engine_speed: Engine speed idle median and std [RPM]. :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float) :return: Gear vector identified [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): r = velocities / gear_box_speeds_in idle = (idle_engine_speed[0] - idle_engine_speed[1], idle_engine_speed[0] + idle_engine_speed[1]) r[gear_box_speeds_in <= idle[0]] = 0 vsr = velocity_speed_ratios g, vsr = np.array([(k, v) for k, v in sorted(vsr.items()) if k != 0]).T dr = np.abs(vsr[:, None] - r) i, j = np.argmin(dr, 0), np.arange(times.shape[0]) b = velocities <= vsr[i] * idle[0] if idle[1]: b |= np.abs(velocities / idle[1] - r) < dr[i, j] b = (velocities <= stop_velocity) | (b & (accelerations < 0)) gear = np.where(b, 0, g[i]) b = (velocities > stop_velocity) & (accelerations > 0) b |= accelerations > plateau_acceleration gear[(gear == 0) & b] = 1 gear = co2_utl.median_filter(times, gear, change_gear_window_width) gear = _correct_gear_shifts(times, r, gear, velocity_speed_ratios) gear = co2_utl.clear_fluctuations(times, gear, change_gear_window_width) return gear.astype(int)
def _shift(a): return np.where(np.ediff1d(a.astype(float), [1], [1]) != 0)[0].tolist() def _calibrate_gsm( velocity_speed_ratios, on_engine, anomalies, gear, velocities, stop_velocity, idle_engine_speed): # noinspection PyProtectedMember from .at_gear.cmv import CMV, _filter_gear_shifting_velocity as filter_gs idle = idle_engine_speed[0] - idle_engine_speed[1] _vsr = sh.combine_dicts(velocity_speed_ratios, base={0: 0}) limits = { 0: {False: [0]}, 1: {True: [stop_velocity]}, max(_vsr): {True: [dfl.INF]} } shifts = np.unique(sum(map(_shift, (on_engine, anomalies)), [])) for i, j in sh.pairwise(shifts): if on_engine[i:j].all() and not anomalies[i:j].any(): for v in np.array(list(sh.pairwise(_shift(gear[i:j])))) + i: if j != v[1]: v, (g, ng) = velocities[slice(*v)], gear[[v[1] - 1, v[1]]] up = g < ng sh.get_nested_dicts(limits, g, up, default=list).append( v.max() if up else v.min() ) for k, v in list(limits.items()): limits[k] = v.get(False, [_vsr[k] * idle] * 2), v.get(True, []) d = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(sorted(limits))} gsm = CMV(filter_gs(sh.map_dict(d, limits), stop_velocity)) gsm.velocity_speed_ratios = sh.selector(gsm, sh.map_dict(d, _vsr)) gsm.convert(_vsr) return gsm
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gears'], weight=10) def identify_gears_v1( times, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, on_engine, engine_speeds_out, velocity_speed_ratios, stop_velocity, plateau_acceleration, change_gear_window_width, idle_engine_speed, correct_gear): """ Identifies gear time series [-]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param accelerations: Acceleration vector [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param on_engine: If the engine is on [-]. :type on_engine: numpy.array :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param velocity_speed_ratios: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float] :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :param plateau_acceleration: Maximum acceleration to be at constant velocity [m/s2]. :type plateau_acceleration: float :param change_gear_window_width: Time window used to apply gear change filters [s]. :type change_gear_window_width: float :param idle_engine_speed: Engine speed idle median and std [RPM]. :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float) :param correct_gear: A function to correct the gear predicted. :type correct_gear: callable :return: Gear vector identified [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ n = [k for k in velocity_speed_ratios if k != 0] if len(n) == 1: gears = np.ones_like(times, int) * n[0] gears[velocities <= stop_velocity] = 0 return gears with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): r = velocities / engine_speeds_out idle = (idle_engine_speed[0] - idle_engine_speed[1], idle_engine_speed[0] + idle_engine_speed[1]) r[engine_speeds_out <= idle[0]] = 0 _vsr = sh.combine_dicts(velocity_speed_ratios, base={0: 0}) g, vsr = np.array([(k, v) for k, v in sorted(_vsr.items())]).T dr = np.abs(vsr[:, None] - r) i, j = np.argmin(dr, 0), np.arange(times.shape[0]) b = velocities <= vsr[i] * idle[0] if idle[1]: b |= np.abs(velocities / idle[1] - r) < dr[i, j] b = (velocities <= stop_velocity) | (b & (accelerations < 0)) gears = np.where(b, 0, g[i]).astype(int) gears = co2_utl.median_filter(times, gears, change_gear_window_width) gears = _correct_gear_shifts(times, r, gears, velocity_speed_ratios) gears = co2_utl.clear_fluctuations(times, gears, change_gear_window_width) anomalies = velocities > stop_velocity anomalies &= (accelerations > 0) | ~on_engine anomalies |= accelerations > plateau_acceleration anomalies &= gears == 0 from ..control.conventional import calculate_engine_speeds_out_hot ds = calculate_engine_speeds_out_hot(calculate_gear_box_speeds_in( gears, velocities, velocity_speed_ratios, stop_velocity ), on_engine, idle_engine_speed) - engine_speeds_out i = np.where(on_engine & ~anomalies)[0] med = np.nanmedian(ds[i]) std = 3 * max(50, co2_utl.mad(ds[i], med=med)) anomalies[i] |= np.abs(ds[i] - med) >= std b = (gears == 0) & (velocities <= stop_velocity) anomalies[b] = False anomalies = co2_utl.clear_fluctuations( times, anomalies.astype(int), change_gear_window_width ) for i, j in sh.pairwise(_shift(gears)): anomalies[i:j] = anomalies[i:j].mean() > .3 gsm = _calibrate_gsm( velocity_speed_ratios, on_engine, anomalies, gears, velocities, stop_velocity, idle_engine_speed ).init_gear( gears, times, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, correct_gear=correct_gear ) for i, v in enumerate(anomalies): if v: gears[i] = gsm(i) gears = co2_utl.median_filter(times, gears, change_gear_window_width) gears = co2_utl.clear_fluctuations(times, gears, change_gear_window_width) return gears.astype(int)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_speeds_in']) def calculate_gear_box_speeds_in_v1( gears, gear_box_speeds_out, gear_box_ratios): """ Calculates Gear box speed vector [RPM]. :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_out: Wheel speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_out: numpy.array :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :return: Gear box speed vector [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array """ d = {0: 0.0} d.update(gear_box_ratios) ratios = np.vectorize(lambda k: d[k])(gears) return gear_box_speeds_out * ratios
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_speeds_in'], weight=25) def calculate_gear_box_speeds_in( gears, velocities, velocity_speed_ratios, stop_velocity): """ Calculates Gear box speed vector [RPM]. :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param velocity_speed_ratios: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float] :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Gear box speed vector [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array """ speeds = np.array(velocities, dtype=float) n = velocities >= stop_velocity b = ~n for k, r in velocity_speed_ratios.items(): if r: speeds[n & (gears == k)] /= r else: b |= gears == k speeds[b] = 0.0 return speeds
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['speed_velocity_ratios']) def calculate_speed_velocity_ratios( gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, r_dynamic): """ Calculates speed velocity ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km]. :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :return: Speed velocity ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km]. :rtype: dict """ c = 30 / (3.6 * math.pi * r_dynamic) svr = {k: c * v * final_drive_ratios[k] for k, v in gear_box_ratios.items()} svr[0] = dfl.INF return svr
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['speed_velocity_ratios'], weight=5) @sh.add_function( dsp, inputs=['gears', 'velocities', 'engine_speeds_out', 'stop_velocity'], outputs=['speed_velocity_ratios'], weight=10 ) def identify_speed_velocity_ratios( gears, velocities, gear_box_speeds_in, stop_velocity): """ Identifies speed velocity ratios from gear vector [h*RPM/km]. :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_in: Gear box speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Speed velocity ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km]. :rtype: dict """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): ratios = gear_box_speeds_in / velocities ratios[velocities < stop_velocity] = 0 svr = {k: co2_utl.reject_outliers(ratios[gears == k])[0] for k in range(1, int(max(gears)) + 1) if k in gears} svr[0] = dfl.INF return svr
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['velocity_speed_ratios']) def calculate_velocity_speed_ratios(speed_velocity_ratios): """ Calculates velocity speed (or speed velocity) ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM) or h*RPM/km]. :param speed_velocity_ratios: Constant speed velocity (or velocity speed) ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km or km/(h*RPM)]. :type speed_velocity_ratios: dict[int | float] :return: Constant velocity speed (or speed velocity) ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM) or h*RPM/km]. :rtype: dict """ def _inverse(v): if v <= 0: return dfl.INF elif v >= dfl.INF: return 0.0 else: return 1 / v return {k: _inverse(v) for k, v in speed_velocity_ratios.items()}
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['n_gears']) @sh.add_function(dsp, inputs=['velocity_speed_ratios'], outputs=['n_gears']) def identify_n_gears(gear_box_ratios): """ Identify the number of gears [-]. :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :return: Number of gears [-]. :rtype: int """ return max(gear_box_ratios)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['velocity_speed_ratios'], weight=48) def identify_velocity_speed_ratios( n_gears, gear_box_speeds_in, velocities, stop_velocity): """ Identifies velocity speed ratios from gear box speed vector [km/(h*RPM)]. :param n_gears: Number of gears [-]. :type n_gears: int :param gear_box_speeds_in: Gear box speed [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :rtype: dict """ return identify_velocity_speed_ratios_v1( n_gears, gear_box_speeds_in, velocities, (0, 0), stop_velocity )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['velocity_speed_ratios'], weight=49) def identify_velocity_speed_ratios_v1( n_gears, engine_speeds_out, velocities, idle_engine_speed, stop_velocity): """ Identifies velocity speed ratios from gear box speed vector [km/(h*RPM)]. :param n_gears: Number of gears [-]. :type n_gears: int :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param idle_engine_speed: Engine speed idle median and std [RPM]. :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float) :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :rtype: dict """ import sklearn.cluster as sk_clu idle_speed = idle_engine_speed[0] + idle_engine_speed[1] b = (engine_speeds_out > idle_speed) & (velocities > stop_velocity) x = (velocities[b] / engine_speeds_out[b])[:, None] ms = sk_clu.KMeans(n_clusters=int(n_gears), copy_x=False, random_state=0) vsr = {k + 1: v for k, v in enumerate(sorted(ms.cluster_centers_[:, 0]))} vsr[0] = 0.0 return vsr
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['velocity_speed_ratios'], weight=50) def identify_velocity_speed_ratios_v2( gear_box_speeds_in, velocities, stop_velocity): """ Identifies velocity speed ratios from gear box speed vector [km/(h*RPM)]. :param gear_box_speeds_in: Gear box speed [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :rtype: dict """ return identify_velocity_speed_ratios_v3( gear_box_speeds_in, velocities, (0, 0), stop_velocity )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['velocity_speed_ratios'], weight=51) def identify_velocity_speed_ratios_v3( engine_speeds_out, velocities, idle_engine_speed, stop_velocity): """ Identifies velocity speed ratios from gear box speed vector [km/(h*RPM)]. :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param idle_engine_speed: Engine speed idle median and std [RPM]. :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float) :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :rtype: dict """ import sklearn.cluster as sk_clu idle_speed = idle_engine_speed[0] + idle_engine_speed[1] b = (engine_speeds_out > idle_speed) & (velocities > stop_velocity) x = (velocities[b] / engine_speeds_out[b])[:, None] bandwidth = sk_clu.estimate_bandwidth(x, quantile=0.2) ms = sk_clu.MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True) vsr = {k + 1: v for k, v in enumerate(sorted(ms.cluster_centers_[:, 0]))} vsr[0] = 0.0 return vsr
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_ratios']) def calculate_gear_box_ratios( velocity_speed_ratios, final_drive_ratios, r_dynamic): """ Calculates gear box ratios [-]. :param velocity_speed_ratios: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float] :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :return: Gear box ratios [-]. :rtype: dict """ c = 30 / (3.6 * math.pi * r_dynamic) r = calculate_velocity_speed_ratios(velocity_speed_ratios) return {k: v / (c * final_drive_ratios[k]) for k, v in r.items() if k != 0}
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['max_gear']) def identify_max_gear(speed_velocity_ratios): """ Identifies the maximum gear of the gear box [-]. :param speed_velocity_ratios: Speed velocity ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km]. :type speed_velocity_ratios: dict[int | float] :return: Maximum gear of the gear box [-]. :rtype: int """ return int(max(speed_velocity_ratios))
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['first_gear_box_ratio']) def identify_first_gear_box_ratio(gear_box_ratios): """ Identify the gear box ratio of first gear. :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :return: Gear box ratio of first gear [-]. :return: float """ return gear_box_ratios.get(1, sh.NONE)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['last_gear_box_ratio']) def identify_last_gear_box_ratio(gear_box_ratios): """ Identify the gear box ratio of last gear. :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :return: Gear box ratio of last gear [-]. :return: float """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return max(gear_box_ratios.items())[1]
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['engine_speed_at_max_velocity']) def calculate_engine_speed_at_max_velocity( r_dynamic, final_drive_ratios, last_gear_box_ratio, maximum_velocity): """ Calculates the maximum velocity from full load curve. :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float | numpy.array :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param last_gear_box_ratio: Gear box ratio of the last gear [-]. :type last_gear_box_ratio: float | numpy.array :param maximum_velocity: Maximum velocity [km/h]. :type maximum_velocity: float | numpy.array :return: Engine speed at maximum velocity [RPM]. :return: float """ speed = last_gear_box_ratio / calculate_last_gear_box_ratio( r_dynamic, final_drive_ratios, 1, maximum_velocity ) return speed
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['last_gear_box_ratio']) def calculate_last_gear_box_ratio( r_dynamic, final_drive_ratios, engine_speed_at_max_velocity, maximum_velocity): """ Calculates the gear box ratio of the last gear. :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param engine_speed_at_max_velocity: Engine speed at maximum velocity [RPM]. :type engine_speed_at_max_velocity: float :param maximum_velocity: Maximum velocity [km/h]. :type maximum_velocity: float :return: Gear box ratio of the last gear [-]. :return: float """ ratio = 3.6 * 2 * np.pi * r_dynamic * engine_speed_at_max_velocity # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences ratio /= 60 * max(final_drive_ratios.items())[1] * maximum_velocity return ratio
def _calculate_req_power(road_loads, velocity): return np.polyval(road_loads[::-1], velocity) * velocity / 3600
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['last_gear_box_ratio'], weight=5) def calculate_last_gear_box_ratio_v1( full_load_curve, final_drive_ratios, road_loads, r_dynamic, maximum_velocity): """ Calculates the gear box ratio of the last gear from full load curve. :param full_load_curve: Vehicle full load curve. :type full_load_curve: function :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param road_loads: Cycle road loads [N, N/(km/h), N/(km/h)^2]. :type road_loads: list, tuple :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :param maximum_velocity: Maximum velocity [km/h]. :type maximum_velocity: float :return: Gear box ratio of the last gear [-]. :return: float """ d = dfl.functions.calculate_last_gear_box_ratio_v1 ratio = np.arange(d.MAX_RATIO, d.MIN_RATIO, -d.DELTA_RATIO) p = full_load_curve(calculate_engine_speed_at_max_velocity( r_dynamic, final_drive_ratios, ratio, maximum_velocity )) return ratio[p > _calculate_req_power(road_loads, maximum_velocity)][0]
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['maximum_velocity', 'gear_at_maximum_velocity']) def calculate_maximum_velocity( full_load_curve, road_loads, speed_velocity_ratios): """ Calculates the maximum velocity from full load curve. :param full_load_curve: Vehicle full load curve. :type full_load_curve: function :param road_loads: Cycle road loads [N, N/(km/h), N/(km/h)^2]. :type road_loads: list, tuple :param speed_velocity_ratios: Speed velocity ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km]. :type speed_velocity_ratios: dict[int | float] :return: Maximum velocity and gear at maximum velocity [km/h, -]. :return: float, int """ d = dfl.functions.calculate_maximum_velocity velocity = np.arange(d.MIN_VEL, d.MAX_VEL, d.DELTA_VEL, float) g_id, svr = zip(*[(k, v) for k, v in sorted( speed_velocity_ratios.items(), reverse=True ) if k]) p = full_load_curve(np.round(np.multiply(velocity[:, None], svr), 1)) b = (p * d.PREC_FLC) < _calculate_req_power(road_loads, velocity)[:, None] # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences velocity = np.repeat(velocity[:, None], b.shape[1], 1) velocity[b] = -1 i, j = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(velocity), velocity.shape) return velocity[i, j], g_id[j]
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['maximum_velocity'], weight=10) def calculate_maximum_velocity_v1( r_dynamic, final_drive_ratios, engine_speed_at_max_velocity, last_gear_box_ratio): """ Calculates the maximum velocity [km/h]. :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param engine_speed_at_max_velocity: Engine speed at maximum velocity [RPM]. :type engine_speed_at_max_velocity: float :param last_gear_box_ratio: Gear box ratio of the last gear [-]. :type last_gear_box_ratio: float :return: Maximum velocity [km/h]. :return: float """ vel = calculate_last_gear_box_ratio( r_dynamic, final_drive_ratios, engine_speed_at_max_velocity, 1 ) / last_gear_box_ratio return vel
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['maximum_velocity'], weight=15) def calculate_maximum_velocity_v2( full_load_curve, final_drive_ratios, road_loads, r_dynamic, last_gear_box_ratio): """ Calculates the maximum velocity from full load curve. :param full_load_curve: Vehicle full load curve. :type full_load_curve: function :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param road_loads: Cycle road loads [N, N/(km/h), N/(km/h)^2]. :type road_loads: list, tuple :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :param last_gear_box_ratio: Gear box ratio of the last gear [-]. :type last_gear_box_ratio: float :return: Maximum velocity [km/h]. :return: float """ d = dfl.functions.calculate_maximum_velocity_v2 velocity = np.arange(d.MAX_VEL, d.MIN_VEL, -d.DELTA_VEL) p = full_load_curve(calculate_engine_speed_at_max_velocity( r_dynamic, final_drive_ratios, last_gear_box_ratio, velocity )) return velocity[p > _calculate_req_power(road_loads, velocity)][0]
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['first_gear_box_ratio'], weight=100) def calculate_first_gear_box_ratio( f0, r_dynamic, engine_max_torque, maximum_vehicle_laden_mass, final_drive_ratios): """ Calculates the gear box ratio of the first gear. :param f0: Rolling resistance force [N] when angle_slope == 0. :type f0: float :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :param engine_max_torque: Engine Max Torque [N*m]. :type engine_max_torque: float :param maximum_vehicle_laden_mass: Technically permissible maximum laden mass [kg]. :type maximum_vehicle_laden_mass: float :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :return: Gear box ratio of the first gear [-]. :return: float """ d = dfl.functions.calculate_first_gear_box_ratio max_torque = engine_max_torque * d.MAX_TORQUE_PERCENTAGE slope = np.arctan(d.STARTING_SLOPE) ratio = f0 * np.cos(slope) ratio += maximum_vehicle_laden_mass * 9.81 * np.sin(slope) ratio /= (max_torque * final_drive_ratios[1]) / r_dynamic return ratio
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_ratios']) def design_gear_box_ratios(n_gears, first_gear_box_ratio, last_gear_box_ratio): """ Designs the gear box ratios [-]. :param n_gears: Number of gears [-]. :type n_gears: int :param first_gear_box_ratio: Gear box ratio of the first gear [-]. :type first_gear_box_ratio: float :param last_gear_box_ratio: Gear box ratio of the last gear [-]. :type last_gear_box_ratio: float :return: Gear box ratios [-]. :rtype: dict """ n_gears = int(n_gears) d = dfl.functions.design_gear_box_ratios f_two, f_tuning = np.asarray(d.f_two), np.asarray(d.f_tuning) ix = np.indices((len(f_two), len(f_tuning))).reshape(2, -1).T f_two, f_tuning = f_two[ix[:, 0]][:, None], f_tuning[ix[:, 1]][:, None] ratios = np.zeros((ix.shape[0], n_gears), float) ratios[:, 0], ratios[:, -1] = first_gear_box_ratio, last_gear_box_ratio n, fgbr, lgbr = n_gears - 1, first_gear_box_ratio, last_gear_box_ratio f_one = f_tuning * (fgbr / (f_two ** (n * (n - 1) / 2))) ** (1 / n) n = n_gears - np.arange(2, n_gears) ratios[:, 1:-1] = lgbr * (f_one ** n) * (f_two ** (n * (n - 1) / 2)) dr = np.diff(ratios, axis=1) b = np.all(dr < 0, axis=1) if b.any(): ratios, dr = ratios[b], dr[b] b = dr[:, 0] < 2 if b.any(): ratios, dr = ratios[b], dr[b] b = np.all(np.diff(dr, axis=1) > 0, axis=1) if b.any(): ratios, dr = ratios[b], dr[b] res = np.linalg.lstsq( np.vander(np.arange(n_gears - 1), 3), dr.T, rcond=-1 )[0] b = res[0] < 0 if b.any(): ratios, dr, res = ratios[b], dr[b], res[:, b] return dict(enumerate(ratios[np.argmin(res[0])], 1))