Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.wheels

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Functions and `dsp` model to model the mechanic of the wheels.
import math
import regex
import schedula as sh
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='Wheel model', description='It models the wheel dynamics.'

[docs]def calculate_wheel_power(velocities, accelerations, road_loads, vehicle_mass): """ Calculates the wheel power [kW]. :param velocities: Velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array | float :param accelerations: Acceleration [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array | float :param road_loads: Cycle road loads [N, N/(km/h), N/(km/h)^2]. :type road_loads: list, tuple :param vehicle_mass: Vehicle mass [kg]. :type vehicle_mass: float :return: Power at wheels [kW]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ f0, f1, f2 = road_loads quadratic_term = f0 + (f1 + f2 * velocities) * velocities vel = velocities / 3600 return (quadratic_term + 1.03 * vehicle_mass * accelerations) * vel
# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['wheel_torques']) def calculate_wheel_torques(wheel_powers, wheel_speeds, coef=30000 / math.pi): """ Calculates torque at the wheels [N*m]. :param wheel_powers: Power at the wheels [kW]. :type wheel_powers: numpy.array | float :param wheel_speeds: Rotating speed of the wheel [RPM]. :type wheel_speeds: numpy.array | float :return: Torque at the wheels [N*m]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ import numpy as np with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): torques = np.divide(wheel_powers, wheel_speeds) * coef return np.where(wheel_speeds, torques, 0)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['wheel_powers']) def calculate_wheel_powers(wheel_torques, wheel_speeds): """ Calculates power at the wheels [kW]. :param wheel_torques: Torque at the wheel [N*m]. :type wheel_torques: numpy.array | float :param wheel_speeds: Rotating speed of the wheel [RPM]. :type wheel_speeds: numpy.array | float :return: Power at the wheels [kW]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ return wheel_torques * wheel_speeds * (math.pi / 30000.0)
def _compile_speed_function(r_dynamic): c = 30.0 / (3.6 * math.pi * r_dynamic) def _wheel_speed(velocities): return velocities * c return _wheel_speed
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['wheel_speeds']) def calculate_wheel_speeds(velocities, r_dynamic): """ Calculates rotating speed of the wheels [RPM]. :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array | float :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :return: Rotating speed of the wheel [RPM]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ return _compile_speed_function(r_dynamic)(velocities)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['r_dynamic']) def identify_r_dynamic( velocity_speed_ratios, gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios): """ Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :param velocity_speed_ratios: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float] :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :return: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :rtype: float """ from co2mpas.utils import reject_outliers from .gear_box.mechanical import calculate_speed_velocity_ratios svr = calculate_speed_velocity_ratios( gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, 1 ) r = [svr[k] * vs for k, vs in velocity_speed_ratios.items() if k] r_dynamic = reject_outliers(r)[0] return r_dynamic
dsp.add_data('stop_velocity', dfl.values.stop_velocity)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['r_dynamic'], weight=10) def identify_r_dynamic_v1( velocities, gears, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, stop_velocity): """ Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_in: Gear box speed [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :rtype: float """ import numpy as np from co2mpas.utils import reject_outliers from .gear_box import mechanical as gb_mec svr = gb_mec.calculate_speed_velocity_ratios( gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, 1.0 ) vsr = gb_mec.calculate_velocity_speed_ratios(svr) speed_x_r_dyn_ratios = gb_mec.calculate_gear_box_speeds_in( gears, velocities, vsr, stop_velocity ) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): r_dynamic = speed_x_r_dyn_ratios / gear_box_speeds_in r_dynamic = r_dynamic[np.isfinite(r_dynamic)] r_dynamic = reject_outliers(r_dynamic)[0] return r_dynamic
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['r_dynamic'], weight=11) def identify_r_dynamic_v2( velocities, gears, engine_speeds_out, gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, stop_velocity, on_engine): """ Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :param on_engine: If the engine is on [-]. :type on_engine: numpy.array :return: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :rtype: float """ return identify_r_dynamic_v1( velocities[on_engine], gears[on_engine], engine_speeds_out[on_engine], gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, stop_velocity )
dsp.add_data('plateau_acceleration', dfl.values.plateau_acceleration) dsp.add_data('change_gear_window_width', dfl.values.change_gear_window_width)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['r_dynamic'], weight=12) def identify_r_dynamic_v3( times, velocities, accelerations, r_wheels, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, idle_engine_speed, stop_velocity, plateau_acceleration, change_gear_window_width): """ Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param accelerations: Vehicle acceleration [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param r_wheels: Radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_wheels: float :param gear_box_speeds_in: Gear box speed [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param idle_engine_speed: Engine speed idle median and std [RPM]. :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float) :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :param plateau_acceleration: Maximum acceleration to be at constant velocity [m/s2]. :type plateau_acceleration: float :param change_gear_window_width: Time window used to apply gear change filters [s]. :type change_gear_window_width: float :return: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :rtype: float """ from .gear_box import mechanical as gb_mec svr = gb_mec.calculate_speed_velocity_ratios( gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, r_wheels ) gears = gb_mec.identify_gears( times, velocities, accelerations, gear_box_speeds_in, gb_mec.calculate_velocity_speed_ratios(svr), stop_velocity, plateau_acceleration, change_gear_window_width, idle_engine_speed ) r_dynamic = identify_r_dynamic_v1( velocities, gears, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, stop_velocity ) return r_dynamic
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['r_dynamic'], weight=13) def identify_r_dynamic_v4( times, velocities, accelerations, r_wheels, engine_speeds_out, gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, idle_engine_speed, stop_velocity, plateau_acceleration, change_gear_window_width, on_engine): """ Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param accelerations: Vehicle acceleration [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param r_wheels: Radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_wheels: float :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param final_drive_ratios: Final drive ratios [-]. :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :param idle_engine_speed: Engine speed idle median and std [RPM]. :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float) :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :param plateau_acceleration: Maximum acceleration to be at constant velocity [m/s2]. :type plateau_acceleration: float :param change_gear_window_width: Time window used to apply gear change filters [s]. :type change_gear_window_width: float :param on_engine: If the engine is on [-]. :type on_engine: numpy.array :return: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :rtype: float """ return identify_r_dynamic_v3( times[on_engine], velocities[on_engine], accelerations[on_engine], r_wheels, engine_speeds_out[on_engine], gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, idle_engine_speed, stop_velocity, plateau_acceleration, change_gear_window_width )
_re_tyre_code_iso = regex.compile( r""" ^(?P<use>([a-z]){1,2})?\s* (?P<nominal_section_width>(\d){3})\s* \/\s* (?P<aspect_ratio>(\d){2,3})? ((\s*(?P<carcass>[a-z])\s*)|\s+) (?P<rim_diameter>(\d){1,2}(\.(\d){1,2})?) (\s+(?P<use>C))? (\s+(?P<load_index>(\d){2,3}(/(\d){2,3})?)\s* (?P<speed_rating>(\([a-z]\)|[a-z]\d?)))?\s* (\s*((?P<load_range>[a-z])(^| )))? (\s+(?P<additional_marks>.*))?$ """, regex.IGNORECASE | regex.X | regex.DOTALL) _re_tyre_code_numeric = regex.compile( r""" ^((?P<diameter>(\d){2})\s*x\s*)? (?P<nominal_section_width>(\d){1,2}(\.(\d){1,2})?)\s* ((\s*(?P<carcass>([a-z]|-))\s*)|\s+) (?P<rim_diameter>(\d){2}(\.(\d){1,2})?)\s* (?P<use>(LT|C))\s* ((?P<load_index>(\d){2,3}(/(\d){2,3})?)\s* (?P<speed_rating>(\([a-z]\)|[a-z]\d?)))?\s* (\s*((?P<load_range>[a-z])(^| )))? (\s+(?P<additional_marks>.*))?$ """, regex.IGNORECASE | regex.X | regex.DOTALL) _re_tyre_code_pax = regex.compile( r""" ^(?P<use>([a-z]){1,2})?\s* (?P<nominal_section_width>(\d){3})\s*-\s* (?P<diameter>(\d){2,3}) ((\s*(?P<carcass>[a-z])\s*)|\s+) (?P<rim_diameter>(\d){2,3}) ((\s*(?P<load_range>[a-z])?\s*)|\s+) (\s*(?P<load_index>(\d){2,3})\s* (?P<speed_rating>[a-z]))?\s* (\s*(?P<additional_marks>.*))? """, regex.IGNORECASE | regex.X | regex.DOTALL) def _format_tyre_dimensions(tyre_dimensions): import schema frt = schema.Schema({ schema.Optional('additional_marks'): schema.Use(str), schema.Optional('aspect_ratio'): schema.Use(float), schema.Optional('carcass'): schema.Use(str), 'rim_diameter': schema.Use(float), schema.Optional('diameter'): schema.Use(float), schema.Optional('load_index'): schema.Use(str), schema.Optional('load_range'): schema.Use(str), 'nominal_section_width': schema.Use(float), schema.Optional('speed_rating'): schema.Use(str), schema.Optional('use'): schema.Use(str), schema.Optional('code'): schema.Use(str), }) m = {k: v for k, v in tyre_dimensions.items() if v is not None} return frt.validate(m)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['tyre_dimensions']) def calculate_tyre_dimensions(tyre_code): """ Calculates the tyre dimensions from the tyre code. :param tyre_code: Tyre code (e.g.,P225/70R14). :type tyre_code: str :return: Tyre dimensions. :rtype: dict """ import schema it = [ ('iso', _re_tyre_code_iso), ('numeric', _re_tyre_code_numeric), ('pax', _re_tyre_code_pax) ] for c, _r in it: try: m = _r.match(tyre_code).groupdict() m['code'] = c if c == 'numeric' and 'aspect_ratio' not in m: b = m['nominal_section_width'].split('.')[-1][-1] == '5' m['aspect_ratio'] = '82' if b else '92' return _format_tyre_dimensions(m) except (AttributeError, schema.SchemaError): pass raise ValueError('Invalid tyre code: %s', tyre_code)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _format_tyre_code( nominal_section_width, rim_diameter, aspect_ratio=0, use='', carcass='', load_index='', speed_rating='', additional_marks='', load_range='', code='iso', diameter=None, **kw): if code == 'iso': parts = ( '%s%d/%d%s%d' % (use, nominal_section_width, aspect_ratio, carcass or ' ', rim_diameter), ) elif code == 'numeric': diameter = '%.2fx' % diameter if diameter is not None else '' parts = ( '%s%.2f%s%.2f %s' % (diameter, nominal_section_width, carcass or ' ', rim_diameter, use), ) else: parts = ( '%d-%d%s%d%s' % (nominal_section_width, diameter, carcass or ' ', rim_diameter, load_range), ) parts += ( '%s%s' % (load_index, speed_rating), load_range, additional_marks ) return ' '.join(p for p in parts if p)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['tyre_code']) def define_tyre_code(tyre_dimensions): """ Returns the tyre code from the tyre dimensions. :param tyre_dimensions: Tyre dimensions. .. note:: The fields are : use, nominal_section_width, aspect_ratio, carcass, diameter, load_index, speed_rating, and additional_marks. :type tyre_dimensions: dict :return: Tyre code (e.g.,P225/70R14). :rtype: str """ return _format_tyre_code(**tyre_dimensions)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['tyre_code'], weight=5) def default_tyre_code(r_dynamic): """ Return one of the most popular tyre code according to the r dynamic. :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :return: Tyre code (e.g.,P225/70R14). :rtype: str """ pop = ( '165/65R13', '155/70R13', '165/70R13', '165/60R14', '185/60R14', '155/65R14', '165/65R14', '175/65R14', '185/65R14', '165/70R14', '175/70R14', '195/50R15', '185/55R15', '195/55R15', '185/60R15', '195/60R15', '205/60R15', '175/65R15', '185/65R15', '195/65R15', '195/70R15', '195/45R16', '205/45R16', '205/50R16', '195/55R16', '205/55R16', '215/55R16', '205/60R16', '215/60R16', '215/65R16', '205/40R17', '245/40R17', '205/45R17', '215/45R17', '225/45R17', '235/45R17', '205/50R17', '215/50R17', '225/50R17', '215/55R17', '225/55R17', '215/60R17', '225/65R17', '235/65R17', '225/40R18', '235/40R18', '245/40R18', '225/45R18', '235/60R18', '255/35R19' ) def _key_func(c): r = calculate_r_wheels(calculate_tyre_dimensions(c)) return r <= r_dynamic, (r - r_dynamic) ** 2 return min(pop, key=_key_func)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['r_wheels']) def calculate_r_wheels(tyre_dimensions): """ Calculates the radius of the wheels [m] from the tyre dimensions. :param tyre_dimensions: Tyre dimensions. .. note:: The fields are : use, nominal_section_width, aspect_ratio, carcass, diameter, load_index, speed_rating, and additional_marks. :type tyre_dimensions: dict :return: Radius of the wheels [m]. :rtype: float """ if 'diameter' in tyre_dimensions: if tyre_dimensions['code'] == 'pax': return tyre_dimensions['diameter'] / 2000 # Diameter is in mm. return tyre_dimensions['diameter'] * 0.0254 # Diameter is in inches. a = tyre_dimensions['aspect_ratio'] / 100 # Aspect ratio is Height/Width. w = tyre_dimensions['nominal_section_width'] if tyre_dimensions.get('code', 'iso') == 'iso': w /= 1000 # Width is in mm. else: w *= 0.0254 # Width is in inches. dr = tyre_dimensions['rim_diameter'] * 0.0254 # Rim is in inches. return a * w + dr / 2
dsp.add_data( data_id='tyre_dynamic_rolling_coefficient', initial_dist=50, default_value=dfl.values.tyre_dynamic_rolling_coefficient, )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['r_dynamic']) def calculate_r_dynamic(r_wheels, tyre_dynamic_rolling_coefficient): """ Calculates the dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :param r_wheels: Radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_wheels: float :param tyre_dynamic_rolling_coefficient: Dynamic rolling coefficient [-]. :type tyre_dynamic_rolling_coefficient: float :return: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :rtype: float """ return tyre_dynamic_rolling_coefficient * r_wheels
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['tyre_dynamic_rolling_coefficient']) def identify_tyre_dynamic_rolling_coefficient(r_wheels, r_dynamic): """ Identifies the dynamic rolling coefficient [-]. :param r_wheels: Radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_wheels: float :param r_dynamic: Dynamic radius of the wheels [m]. :type r_dynamic: float :return: Dynamic rolling coefficient [-]. :rtype: float """ return r_dynamic / r_wheels
dsp.add_function( function=sh.bypass, inputs=['motive_powers'], outputs=['wheel_powers'] )