Source code for co2mpas.core.model.selector

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Functions and `dsp` model to compare/select the calibrated models.


.. currentmodule:: co2mpas.core.model.selector

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: selector/

import pkgutil
import functools
import schedula as sh
import os.path as osp
from .models import mdl_selector, calibration_cycles, prediction_cycles

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='Models selector', description='Select the calibrated models.'

    function=functools.partial(sh.map_list, calibration_cycles),

    for v in pkgutil.iter_modules([osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'models')])
    if not'_')

    'enable_selector', False, filters=[lambda x: {'enable_selector': x}]

for name in MODELS:
            mdl_selector('.models.%s' % name, __name__),
            outputs=['model', 'score'], output_type='list'
        function_id='%s selector' % name,
        inputs=['CO2MPAS_results', 'enable_selector'],
        outputs=['models', 'scores']

[docs]def merge_model_selection(adict): """ Merge models or scores selection. :param adict: Models or scores selection. :type adict: dict :return: Merged models or scores selection. :rtype: dict """ return {' '.join(k.split(' ')[:-1]): v for k, v in adict.items() if v}
dsp.add_data(data_id='models', function=merge_model_selection, wait_inputs=True) dsp.add_data(data_id='scores', function=merge_model_selection, wait_inputs=True) # noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['selections'] + list( map('models_{}'.format, prediction_cycles) )) def split_prediction_models(scores, models, default_models): """ Split prediction models. :param scores: Models score. :type scores: dict :param models: Calibrated models. :type models: dict :param default_models: Default calibrated models. :type default_models: dict :return: Scores and prediction models. :rtype: tuple """ sbm, model_sel, par = {}, {}, {} for (k, c), v in sh.stack_nested_keys(scores, depth=2): r = sh.selector(['models'], v, allow_miss=True) for m in r.get('models', ()): sh.get_nested_dicts(par, m, 'calibration')[c] = c r.update(v.get('score', {})) sh.get_nested_dicts(sbm, k)[c] = r r = sh.selector(['success'], r, allow_miss=True) r = sh.map_dict({'success': 'status'}, r, {'from': c}) sh.get_nested_dicts(model_sel, k, 'calibration')[c] = r p = {i: dict.fromkeys(default_models, 'input') for i in prediction_cycles} mdls = {i: default_models.copy() for i in prediction_cycles} for k, n in sorted(models.items()): d = n.get(sh.NONE, (None, True, {})) for i in prediction_cycles: c, s, m = n.get(i, d) if m: s = {'from': c, 'status': s} sh.get_nested_dicts(model_sel, k, 'prediction')[i] = s mdls[i].update(m) p[i].update(dict.fromkeys(m, c)) for k, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(p, ('prediction',), depth=2): sh.get_nested_dicts(par, k[-1], *k[:-2])[k[-2]] = v s = { 'param_selections': par, 'model_selections': model_sel, 'score_by_model': sbm, 'scores': scores } return (s,) + tuple(mdls.get(k, {}) for k in prediction_cycles)