Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.co2

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Functions and `dsp` model to model the legislation corrections.
import functools
import numpy as np
import schedula as sh
import co2mpas.utils as co2_utl
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='Legislation', description='Models the legislation corrections.'

[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['phases_indices']) def identify_phases_indices(times, phases_integration_times): """ Identifies the indices of the cycle phases [-]. If phases_distances is not given the result is the cumulative CO2 of cycle phases [CO2g] otherwise it is CO2 emission of cycle phases [CO2g/km]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param phases_integration_times: Cycle phases integration times [s]. :type phases_integration_times: tuple :return: Indices of the cycle phases [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ return np.searchsorted(times, phases_integration_times, side='right')
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['phases_co2_emissions']) def calculate_phases_co2_emissions( times, phases_indices, co2_emissions, phases_distances=1.0): """ Calculates CO2 emission or cumulative CO2 of cycle phases [CO2g/km or CO2g]. If phases_distances is not given the result is the cumulative CO2 of cycle phases [CO2g] otherwise it is CO2 emission of cycle phases [CO2g/km]. :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param phases_indices: Indices of the cycle phases [-]. :type phases_indices: numpy.array :param co2_emissions: CO2 instantaneous emissions vector [CO2g/s]. :type co2_emissions: numpy.array :param phases_distances: Cycle phases distances [km]. :type phases_distances: numpy.array | float, optional :return: CO2 emission or cumulative CO2 of cycle phases [CO2g/km or CO2g]. :rtype: numpy.array """ from scipy.integrate import trapz co2 = [] for i, j in phases_indices: co2.append(trapz(co2_emissions[i:j], times[i:j])) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): return np.nan_to_num(np.array(co2) / phases_distances)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['co2_emission_value']) def calculate_co2_emission_value(phases_co2_emissions, phases_distances): """ Calculates the CO2 emission of the cycle [CO2g/km]. :param phases_co2_emissions: CO2 emission of cycle phases [CO2g/km]. :type phases_co2_emissions: numpy.array :param phases_distances: Cycle phases distances [km]. :type phases_distances: numpy.array | float :return: CO2 emission value of the cycle [CO2g/km]. :rtype: float """ n = sum(phases_co2_emissions * phases_distances) if isinstance(phases_distances, float): d = phases_distances * len(phases_co2_emissions) else: d = sum(phases_distances) return float(n / d)
dsp.add_data( 'has_periodically_regenerating_systems', dfl.values.has_periodically_regenerating_systems ) dsp.add_data('ki_additive', dfl.values.ki_additive)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['ki_multiplicative']) def default_ki_multiplicative( has_periodically_regenerating_systems, ki_additive): """ Returns the default ki multiplicative factor [-]. :param has_periodically_regenerating_systems: Does the vehicle has periodically regenerating systems? [-]. :type has_periodically_regenerating_systems: bool :param ki_additive: Additive correction for vehicles with periodically regenerating systems [CO2g/km]. :type ki_additive: float :return: Multiplicative correction for vehicles with periodically regenerating systems [-]. :rtype: float """ if ki_additive: return 1.0 par = dfl.functions.default_ki_multiplicative.ki_multiplicative return par.get(has_periodically_regenerating_systems, 1.0)
@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['phases_co2_emissions']) def merge_wltp_phases_co2_emission( co2_emission_low, co2_emission_medium, co2_emission_high, co2_emission_extra_high): """ Merges WLTP phases co2 emission. :param co2_emission_low: CO2 emission on low WLTP phase [CO2g/km]. :type co2_emission_low: float :param co2_emission_medium: CO2 emission on medium WLTP phase [CO2g/km]. :type co2_emission_medium: float :param co2_emission_high: CO2 emission on high WLTP phase [CO2g/km]. :type co2_emission_high: float :param co2_emission_extra_high: CO2 emission on extra high WLTP phase [CO2g/km]. :type co2_emission_extra_high: float :return: CO2 emission of cycle phases [CO2g/km]. :rtype: tuple[float] """ return (co2_emission_low, co2_emission_medium, co2_emission_high, co2_emission_extra_high) # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['phases_co2_emissions']) def merge_wltp_phases_co2_emission(co2_emission_UDC, co2_emission_EUDC): """ Merges WLTP phases co2 emission. :param co2_emission_UDC: CO2 emission on UDC NEDC phase [CO2g/km]. :type co2_emission_UDC: float :param co2_emission_EUDC: CO2 emission on EUDC NEDC phase [CO2g/km]. :type co2_emission_EUDC: float :return: CO2 emission of cycle phases [CO2g/km]. :rtype: tuple[float] """ return co2_emission_UDC, co2_emission_EUDC
def _rcb_correction( phases_delta_energy, phases_distances, fuel_type, engine_type, alternator_efficiency): # noinspection PyProtectedMember par = dfl.functions._rcb_correction.WILLANS dco2 = -phases_delta_energy / phases_distances dco2 *= par[fuel_type][engine_type] * 0.0036 / alternator_efficiency return dco2
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['theoretical_phases_distances']) def calculate_theoretical_phases_distances( times, theoretical_velocities, phases_indices): """ Calculates theoretical cycle phases distances [km]. :param times: Time vector. :type times: numpy.array :param theoretical_velocities: Theoretical velocity vector [km/h]. :type theoretical_velocities: numpy.array :param phases_indices: Indices of the cycle phases [-]. :type phases_indices: numpy.array :return: Theoretical cycle phases distances [km]. :rtype: numpy.array """ from .vehicle import calculate_distances return calculate_phases_distances( phases_indices, calculate_distances(times, theoretical_velocities) )
dsp.add_data('rcb_correction', dfl.values.rcb_correction)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['speed_distance_correction']) def default_speed_distance_correction(is_hybrid): """ Returns if speed distance correction is to be applied. :param is_hybrid: Is the vehicle hybrid? :type is_hybrid: bool :return: Apply speed distance correction? :rtype: bool """ return not is_hybrid
[docs]@sh.add_function( dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['speed_distance_corrected_co2_emission_value'] ) def calculate_speed_distance_corrected_co2_emission_value( phases_co2_emissions, phases_times, batteries_phases_delta_energy, theoretical_phases_distances, phases_distances, alternator_efficiency, engine_type, fuel_type, motive_powers, theoretical_motive_powers, times, phases_indices, engine_max_power, speed_distance_correction=True, is_hybrid=False, cycle_type='WLTP'): """ Calculates the CO2 emission value corrected for speed & distance [CO2g/km]. :param is_hybrid: Is the vehicle hybrid? :type is_hybrid: bool :param cycle_type: Cycle type (WLTP or NEDC). :type cycle_type: str :param phases_co2_emissions: CO2 emission of cycle phases [CO2g/km]. :type phases_co2_emissions: numpy.array :param phases_times: Cycle phases times [s]. :type phases_times: numpy.array :param batteries_phases_delta_energy: Phases delta energy of the batteries [Wh]. :type batteries_phases_delta_energy: numpy.array :param theoretical_phases_distances: Theoretical cycle phases distances [km]. :type theoretical_phases_distances: numpy.array :param phases_distances: Cycle phases distances [km]. :type phases_distances: numpy.array :param alternator_efficiency: Alternator efficiency [-]. :type alternator_efficiency: float :param engine_type: Engine type (positive turbo, positive natural aspiration, compression). :type engine_type: str :param fuel_type: Fuel type (diesel, gasoline, LPG, NG, ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, propane). :type fuel_type: str :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param theoretical_motive_powers: Theoretical motive power [kW]. :type theoretical_motive_powers: numpy.array :param times: Time vector. :type times: numpy.array :param phases_indices: Indices of the cycle phases [-]. :type phases_indices: numpy.array :param engine_max_power: Engine nominal power [kW]. :type engine_max_power: float :param speed_distance_correction: Apply speed distance correction? :type speed_distance_correction: bool :return: CO2 emission value corrected for speed & distance [CO2g/km]. :rtype: float """ if is_hybrid: return sh.NONE p_co2, p_dist = np.array(phases_co2_emissions), phases_distances if cycle_type == 'WLTP' and speed_distance_correction: p_co2 = np.column_stack((p_co2, _rcb_correction( batteries_phases_delta_energy, phases_distances, fuel_type, engine_type, alternator_efficiency ))) * np.nan_to_num(phases_distances / phases_times)[:, None] from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression mdl = LinearRegression() cpmp = functools.partial( calculate_phases_co2_emissions, times, phases_indices, phases_distances=phases_times ) y, p_co2 = p_co2.sum(axis=1).ravel(), p_co2[:, 0].ravel() x = cpmp(np.maximum(-.02 * engine_max_power, motive_powers))[:, None], y) p2 = -mdl.intercept_ / mdl.coef_ if mdl.coef_ else -float('inf') dp_mp = cpmp(np.maximum(p2, motive_powers))[:, None], y) dp_mp -= cpmp(np.maximum(p2, theoretical_motive_powers)) p_co2 -= mdl.coef_ * dp_mp p_co2 *= np.nan_to_num(phases_times / theoretical_phases_distances) p_dist = theoretical_phases_distances return calculate_co2_emission_value(p_co2, p_dist)
[docs]@sh.add_function( dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value'] ) def calculate_rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value( speed_distance_corrected_co2_emission_value, engine_type, fuel_type, alternator_efficiency, phases_distances, theoretical_phases_distances, batteries_phases_delta_energy, speed_distance_correction=True, rcb_correction=True, is_hybrid=False, cycle_type='WLTP'): """ Calculates the CO2 emission value corrected for RCB [CO2g/km]. :param is_hybrid: Is the vehicle hybrid? :type is_hybrid: bool :param cycle_type: Cycle type (WLTP or NEDC). :type cycle_type: str :param speed_distance_corrected_co2_emission_value: CO2 emission value corrected for speed & distance [CO2g/km]. :type speed_distance_corrected_co2_emission_value: float :param batteries_phases_delta_energy: Phases delta energy of the batteries [Wh]. :type batteries_phases_delta_energy: numpy.array :param theoretical_phases_distances: Theoretical cycle phases distances [km]. :type theoretical_phases_distances: numpy.array :param phases_distances: Cycle phases distances [km]. :type phases_distances: numpy.array :param alternator_efficiency: Alternator efficiency [-]. :type alternator_efficiency: float :param engine_type: Engine type (positive turbo, positive natural aspiration, compression). :type engine_type: str :param fuel_type: Fuel type (diesel, gasoline, LPG, NG, ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, propane). :type fuel_type: str :param rcb_correction: Apply RCB correction? :type rcb_correction: bool :param speed_distance_correction: Apply speed distance correction? :type speed_distance_correction: bool :return: CO2 emission value corrected for RCB [CO2g/km]. :rtype: float """ if is_hybrid: return sh.NONE if cycle_type == 'WLTP' and rcb_correction: d = phases_distances if speed_distance_correction: d = theoretical_phases_distances return speed_distance_corrected_co2_emission_value + _rcb_correction( np.sum(batteries_phases_delta_energy), np.sum(d), fuel_type, engine_type, alternator_efficiency ) return speed_distance_corrected_co2_emission_value
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['batteries_phases_delta_energy']) def calculate_batteries_phases_delta_energy( times, phases_indices, drive_battery_electric_powers, service_battery_electric_powers): """ Calculates the phases delta energy of the batteries [Wh]. :param times: Time vector. :type times: numpy.array :param phases_indices: Indices of the cycle phases [-]. :type phases_indices: numpy.array :param drive_battery_electric_powers: Drive battery electric power [kW]. :type drive_battery_electric_powers: numpy.array :param service_battery_electric_powers: Service battery electric power [kW]. :type service_battery_electric_powers: numpy.array :return: Phases delta energy of the batteries [Wh]. :rtype: numpy.array """ from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz p = service_battery_electric_powers + drive_battery_electric_powers e = cumtrapz(p, times, initial=0) i = phases_indices.copy() i[:, 1] -= 1 return np.diff(e[i], axis=1).ravel() / 3.6
[docs]@sh.add_function( dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['kco2_wltp_correction_factor'] ) def identify_kco2_wltp_correction_factor( drive_battery_electric_powers, service_battery_electric_powers, co2_emissions, times, force_on_engine, after_treatment_warm_up_phases, velocities, is_hybrid=True): """ Identifies the kco2 correction factor [g/Wh]. :param drive_battery_electric_powers: Drive battery electric power [kW]. :type drive_battery_electric_powers: numpy.array :param service_battery_electric_powers: Service battery electric power [kW]. :type service_battery_electric_powers: numpy.array :param force_on_engine: Phases when engine is on because parallel mode is forced [-]. :type force_on_engine: numpy.array :param after_treatment_warm_up_phases: Phases when engine speed is affected by the after treatment warm up [-]. :type after_treatment_warm_up_phases: numpy.array :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param co2_emissions: CO2 instantaneous emissions vector [CO2g/s]. :type co2_emissions: numpy.array :param times: Time vector. :type times: numpy.array :param is_hybrid: Is the vehicle hybrid? :type is_hybrid: bool :return: kco2 correction factor [g/Wh]. :rtype: float """ if not is_hybrid: return sh.NONE from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor, Lasso b = ~(force_on_engine | after_treatment_warm_up_phases) e = np.where( b, drive_battery_electric_powers + service_battery_electric_powers, 0 ) e = cumtrapz(e, times, initial=0) / 3.6 co2 = cumtrapz(np.where(b, co2_emissions, 0), times, initial=0) km = cumtrapz(np.where(b, velocities / 3.6, 0), times, initial=0) / 1000 # noinspection PyTypeChecker it = co2_utl.sliding_window(list(zip(km, zip(km, e, co2))), 5) d = np.diff(np.array([(v[0][1], v[-1][1]) for v in it]), axis=1)[:, 0, :].T e, co2 = d[1:] / d[0] d0 = t0 = -float('inf') b, dkm = [], .5 dt = dkm / np.mean(velocities) * 3600 for i, (d, t) in enumerate(zip(km, times)): if d > d0 and t > t0: d0, t0 = d + dkm, t + dt b.append(i) b = np.array(b) m = RANSACRegressor( random_state=0, base_estimator=Lasso(random_state=0, positive=True) ).fit(e[b, None], co2[b]) return float(m.estimator_.coef_)
[docs]@sh.add_function( dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value'] ) def calculate_rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value_v1( co2_emission_value, batteries_phases_delta_energy, kco2_wltp_correction_factor, phases_distances, rcb_correction=True, is_hybrid=True, cycle_type='WLTP'): """ Calculates the CO2 emission value corrected for RCB [CO2g/km]. :param is_hybrid: Is the vehicle hybrid? :type is_hybrid: bool :param cycle_type: Cycle type (WLTP or NEDC). :type cycle_type: str :param co2_emission_value: CO2 emission value of the cycle [CO2g/km]. :type co2_emission_value: float :param batteries_phases_delta_energy: Phases delta energy of the batteries [Wh]. :type batteries_phases_delta_energy: numpy.array :param kco2_wltp_correction_factor: kco2 WLTP correction factor [CO2g/Wh]. :type kco2_wltp_correction_factor: float :param phases_distances: Cycle phases distances [km]. :type phases_distances: numpy.array :param rcb_correction: Apply RCB correction? :type rcb_correction: bool :return: CO2 emission value corrected for RCB [CO2g/km]. :rtype: float """ if not is_hybrid or cycle_type == 'NEDC': return sh.NONE if rcb_correction and kco2_wltp_correction_factor: de = np.sum(batteries_phases_delta_energy) / np.sum(phases_distances) return co2_emission_value - kco2_wltp_correction_factor * de return co2_emission_value
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['kco2_nedc_correction_factor']) def default_kco2_nedc_correction_factor( kco2_wltp_correction_factor, drive_battery_nominal_voltage, distances): """ Returns the kco2 NEDC correction factor [CO2g/km/Ah]. :param kco2_wltp_correction_factor: kco2 WLTP correction factor [CO2g/Wh]. :type kco2_wltp_correction_factor: float :param drive_battery_nominal_voltage: Drive battery nominal voltage [V]. :type drive_battery_nominal_voltage: float :param distances: Cumulative distance vector [m]. :type distances: numpy.array :return: kco2 NEDC correction factor [CO2g/km/Ah]. :rtype: float """ d = distances[-1] / 1000 return kco2_wltp_correction_factor * drive_battery_nominal_voltage / d
[docs]@sh.add_function( dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value'] ) def calculate_rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value_v2( co2_emission_value, drive_battery_delta_state_of_charge, drive_battery_capacity, kco2_nedc_correction_factor, rcb_correction=True, is_hybrid=True, cycle_type='NEDC'): """ Calculates the CO2 emission value corrected for RCB [CO2g/km]. :param is_hybrid: Is the vehicle hybrid? :type is_hybrid: bool :param cycle_type: Cycle type (WLTP or NEDC). :type cycle_type: str :param co2_emission_value: CO2 emission value of the cycle [CO2g/km]. :type co2_emission_value: float :param drive_battery_delta_state_of_charge: Overall delta state of charge of the drive battery [%]. :type drive_battery_delta_state_of_charge: numpy.array :param kco2_nedc_correction_factor: kco2 NEDC correction factor [CO2g/km/Ah]. :type kco2_nedc_correction_factor: float :param drive_battery_capacity: Drive battery capacity [Ah]. :type drive_battery_capacity: float :param rcb_correction: Apply RCB correction? :type rcb_correction: bool :return: CO2 emission value corrected for RCB [CO2g/km]. :rtype: float """ if not is_hybrid or cycle_type != 'NEDC': return sh.NONE if rcb_correction and kco2_nedc_correction_factor: di = drive_battery_delta_state_of_charge * drive_battery_capacity / 100 return co2_emission_value - kco2_nedc_correction_factor * di return co2_emission_value
dsp.add_data( 'atct_family_correction_factor', dfl.values.atct_family_correction_factor )
[docs]def calculate_corrected_co2_emission( rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value, ki_multiplicative, ki_additive, atct_family_correction_factor=1.0): """ Calculates the corrected CO2 emission of the cycle [CO2g/km]. :param rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value: CO2 emission value corrected for RCB [CO2g/km]. :type rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value: float :param ki_multiplicative: Multiplicative correction for vehicles with periodically regenerating systems [-]. :type ki_multiplicative: float :param ki_additive: Additive correction for vehicles with periodically regenerating systems [CO2g/km]. :type ki_multiplicative: float :param atct_family_correction_factor: Family correction factor for representative regional temperatures [-]. :type atct_family_correction_factor: float :return: Corrected CO2 emission value of the cycle [CO2g/km]. :rtype: float """ v = rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value * ki_multiplicative + ki_additive return v * atct_family_correction_factor
dsp.add_data('is_plugin', dfl.values.is_plugin) dsp.add_function( function=sh.add_args(calculate_corrected_co2_emission), inputs=[ 'is_plugin', 'rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value', 'ki_multiplicative', 'ki_additive', 'atct_family_correction_factor' ], outputs=['corrected_co2_emission_value'], input_domain=co2_utl.check_first_arg_false ) dsp.add_function( function=sh.add_args(calculate_corrected_co2_emission), inputs=[ 'is_plugin', 'rcb_corrected_co2_emission_value', 'ki_multiplicative', 'ki_additive', 'atct_family_correction_factor' ], outputs=['corrected_sustaining_co2_emission_value'], input_domain=co2_utl.check_first_arg ) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _domain_calculate_corrected_co2_emission_for_conventional_nedc( cycle_type, is_hybrid, *args): return not is_hybrid and cycle_type == 'NEDC' dsp.add_function( function_id='calculate_corrected_co2_emission_for_conventional_nedc', function=sh.add_args(calculate_corrected_co2_emission, n=2), inputs=['cycle_type', 'is_hybrid', 'co2_emission_value', 'ki_multiplicative', 'ki_additive', 'atct_family_correction_factor'], outputs=['corrected_co2_emission_value'], input_domain=_domain_calculate_corrected_co2_emission_for_conventional_nedc ) dsp.add_function( function=sh.bypass, inputs=['corrected_co2_emission_value'], outputs=['declared_co2_emission_value'] ) dsp.add_function( function=sh.bypass, inputs=['corrected_sustaining_co2_emission_value'], outputs=['declared_sustaining_co2_emission_value'] )
[docs]def calculate_willans_factors( co2_params_calibrated, engine_fuel_lower_heating_value, engine_stroke, engine_capacity, min_engine_on_speed, fmep_model, engine_speeds_out, engine_powers_out, times, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, engine_coolant_temperatures, missing_powers, angle_slopes): """ Calculates the Willans factors. :param co2_params_calibrated: CO2 emission model parameters (a2, b2, a, b, c, l, l2, t, trg). The missing parameters are set equal to zero. :type co2_params_calibrated: lmfit.Parameters :param engine_fuel_lower_heating_value: Fuel lower heating value [kJ/kg]. :type engine_fuel_lower_heating_value: float :param engine_stroke: Engine stroke [mm]. :type engine_stroke: float :param engine_capacity: Engine capacity [cm3]. :type engine_capacity: float :param min_engine_on_speed: Minimum engine speed to consider the engine to be on [RPM]. :type min_engine_on_speed: float :param fmep_model: Engine FMEP model. :type fmep_model: FMEP :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param engine_powers_out: Engine power vector [kW]. :type engine_powers_out: numpy.array :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param accelerations: Acceleration vector [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param engine_coolant_temperatures: Engine coolant temperature vector [°C]. :type engine_coolant_temperatures: numpy.array :param missing_powers: Missing engine power [kW]. :type missing_powers: numpy.array :param angle_slopes: Angle slope vector [rad]. :type angle_slopes: numpy.array :return: Willans factors: - av_velocities [km/h] - av_slope [rad] - distance [km] - init_temp [°C] - av_temp [°C] - end_temp [°C] - av_vel_pos_mov_pow [kw/h] - av_pos_motive_powers [kW] - sec_pos_mov_pow [s] - av_neg_motive_powers [kW] - sec_neg_mov_pow [s] - av_pos_accelerations [m/s2] - av_engine_speeds_out_pos_pow [RPM] - av_pos_engine_powers_out [kW] - engine_bmep_pos_pow [bar] - mean_piston_speed_pos_pow [m/s] - fuel_mep_pos_pow [bar] - fuel_consumption_pos_pow [g/sec] - willans_a [g/kWh] - willans_b [g/h] - specific_fuel_consumption [g/kWh] - indicated_efficiency [-] - willans_efficiency [-] :rtype: dict """ from .engine import calculate_mean_piston_speeds from .engine.fc import calculate_brake_mean_effective_pressures av = np.average w = np.zeros_like(times, dtype=float) t = (times[:-1] + times[1:]) / 2 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences w[0], w[1:-1], w[-1] = t[0] - times[0], np.diff(t), times[-1] - t[-1] f = { 'av_velocities': av(velocities, weights=w), # [km/h] 'av_slope': av(angle_slopes, weights=w), 'has_sufficient_power': 1 - av(missing_powers != 0, weights=w), 'max_power_required': max(engine_powers_out + missing_powers) } f['distance'] = f['av_velocities'] * (times[-1] - times[0]) / 3600.0 # [km] b = engine_powers_out >= 0 if b.any(): p = co2_params_calibrated.valuesdict() _w = w[b] av_s = av(engine_speeds_out[b], weights=_w) av_p = av(engine_powers_out[b], weights=_w) av_mp = av(missing_powers[b], weights=_w) n_p = calculate_brake_mean_effective_pressures( av_s, av_p, engine_capacity, min_engine_on_speed ) n_s = calculate_mean_piston_speeds(av_s, engine_stroke) f_mep, wfa = fmep_model(p, n_s, n_p, 1)[:2] c = engine_capacity / engine_fuel_lower_heating_value * av_s fc = f_mep * c / 1200.0 ieff = av_p / (fc * engine_fuel_lower_heating_value) * 1000.0 willans_a = 3600000.0 / engine_fuel_lower_heating_value / wfa willans_b = fmep_model(p, n_s, 0, 1)[0] * c * 3.0 sfc = willans_a + willans_b / av_p willans_eff = 3600000.0 / (sfc * engine_fuel_lower_heating_value) f.update({ 'av_engine_speeds_out_pos_pow': av_s, # [RPM] 'av_pos_engine_powers_out': av_p, # [kW] 'av_missing_powers_pos_pow': av_mp, # [kW] 'engine_bmep_pos_pow': n_p, # [bar] 'mean_piston_speed_pos_pow': n_s, # [m/s] 'fuel_mep_pos_pow': f_mep, # [bar] 'fuel_consumption_pos_pow': fc, # [g/sec] 'willans_a': willans_a, # [g/kW] 'willans_b': willans_b, # [g] 'specific_fuel_consumption': sfc, # [g/kWh] 'indicated_efficiency': ieff, # [-] 'willans_efficiency': willans_eff # [-] }) b = motive_powers > 0 if b.any(): _w = w[b] f['av_vel_pos_mov_pow'] = av(velocities[b], weights=_w) # [km/h] f['av_pos_motive_powers'] = av(motive_powers[b], weights=_w) # [kW] f['sec_pos_mov_pow'] = np.sum(_w) # [s] b = accelerations > 0 if b.any(): _w = w[b] f['av_pos_accelerations'] = av(accelerations[b], weights=_w) # [m/s2] b = motive_powers < 0 if b.any(): _w = w[b] f['av_neg_motive_powers'] = av(motive_powers[b], weights=_w) # [kW] f['sec_neg_mov_pow'] = np.sum(_w) # [s] f['init_temp'] = engine_coolant_temperatures[0] # [°C] f['av_temp'] = av(engine_coolant_temperatures, weights=w) # [°C] f['end_temp'] = engine_coolant_temperatures[-1] # [°C] return f
dsp.add_data( 'enable_willans', dfl.values.enable_willans, description='Enable the calculation of Willans coefficients for ' 'the cycle?' ) dsp.add_function( function=sh.add_args(calculate_willans_factors), inputs=[ 'enable_willans', 'co2_params_calibrated', 'engine_fuel_lower_heating_value', 'engine_stroke', 'engine_capacity', 'min_engine_on_speed', 'fmep_model', 'engine_speeds_out', 'engine_powers_out', 'times', 'velocities', 'accelerations', 'motive_powers', 'engine_coolant_temperatures', 'missing_powers', 'angle_slopes' ], outputs=['willans_factors'], input_domain=co2_utl.check_first_arg )
[docs]def calculate_phases_willans_factors( params, engine_fuel_lower_heating_value, engine_stroke, engine_capacity, min_engine_on_speed, fmep_model, times, phases_indices, engine_speeds_out, engine_powers_out, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, engine_coolant_temperatures, missing_powers, angle_slopes): """ Calculates the Willans factors for each phase. :param params: CO2 emission model parameters (a2, b2, a, b, c, l, l2, t, trg). The missing parameters are set equal to zero. :type params: lmfit.Parameters :param engine_fuel_lower_heating_value: Fuel lower heating value [kJ/kg]. :type engine_fuel_lower_heating_value: float :param engine_stroke: Engine stroke [mm]. :type engine_stroke: float :param engine_capacity: Engine capacity [cm3]. :type engine_capacity: float :param min_engine_on_speed: Minimum engine speed to consider the engine to be on [RPM]. :type min_engine_on_speed: float :param fmep_model: Engine FMEP model. :type fmep_model: FMEP :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param phases_indices: Indices of the cycle phases [-]. :type phases_indices: numpy.array :param engine_speeds_out: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array :param engine_powers_out: Engine power vector [kW]. :type engine_powers_out: numpy.array :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param accelerations: Acceleration vector [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param engine_coolant_temperatures: Engine coolant temperature vector [°C]. :type engine_coolant_temperatures: numpy.array :param missing_powers: Missing engine power [kW]. :type missing_powers: numpy.array :param angle_slopes: Angle slope vector [rad]. :type angle_slopes: numpy.array :return: Willans factors: - av_velocities [km/h] - av_slope [rad] - distance [km] - init_temp [°C] - av_temp [°C] - end_temp [°C] - av_vel_pos_mov_pow [kw/h] - av_pos_motive_powers [kW] - sec_pos_mov_pow [s] - av_neg_motive_powers [kW] - sec_neg_mov_pow [s] - av_pos_accelerations [m/s2] - av_engine_speeds_out_pos_pow [RPM] - av_pos_engine_powers_out [kW] - engine_bmep_pos_pow [bar] - mean_piston_speed_pos_pow [m/s] - fuel_mep_pos_pow [bar] - fuel_consumption_pos_pow [g/sec] - willans_a [g/kWh] - willans_b [g/h] - specific_fuel_consumption [g/kWh] - indicated_efficiency [-] - willans_efficiency [-] :rtype: dict """ factors = [] for i, j in phases_indices: factors.append(calculate_willans_factors( params, engine_fuel_lower_heating_value, engine_stroke, engine_capacity, min_engine_on_speed, fmep_model, engine_speeds_out[i:j], engine_powers_out[i:j], times[i:j], velocities[i:j], accelerations[i:j], motive_powers[i:j], engine_coolant_temperatures[i:j], missing_powers[i:j], angle_slopes[i:j] )) return factors
dsp.add_data( 'enable_phases_willans', dfl.values.enable_phases_willans, description='Enable the calculation of Willans coefficients for ' 'all phases?' ) dsp.add_function( function=sh.add_args(calculate_phases_willans_factors), inputs=[ 'enable_phases_willans', 'co2_params_calibrated', 'engine_fuel_lower_heating_value', 'engine_stroke', 'engine_capacity', 'min_engine_on_speed', 'fmep_model', 'times', 'phases_indices', 'engine_speeds_out', 'engine_powers_out', 'velocities', 'accelerations', 'motive_powers', 'engine_coolant_temperatures', 'missing_powers', 'angle_slopes' ], outputs=['phases_willans_factors'], input_domain=co2_utl.check_first_arg ) # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['optimal_efficiency']) def calculate_optimal_efficiency(co2_params_calibrated, mean_piston_speeds): """ Calculates the optimal efficiency [-] and t. :param co2_params_calibrated: CO2 emission model parameters (a2, b2, a, b, c, l, l2, t, trg). The missing parameters are set equal to zero. :type co2_params_calibrated: lmfit.Parameters :param mean_piston_speeds: Mean piston speed vector [m/s]. :type mean_piston_speeds: numpy.array :return: Optimal efficiency and the respective parameters: - mean_piston_speeds [m/s], - engine_bmep [bar], - efficiency [-]. :rtype: dict[str | tuple] """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember from .engine.fc import _fuel_ABC n_s = np.linspace(mean_piston_speeds.min(), mean_piston_speeds.max(), 10) A, B, C = _fuel_ABC(n_s, **co2_params_calibrated) # noinspection PyTypeChecker b = np.isclose(A, 0.0) # noinspection PyTypeChecker A = np.where(b, np.sign(C) * dfl.EPS, A) ac4, B2 = 4 * A * C, B ** 2 sabc = np.sqrt(ac4 * B2) n = sabc - ac4 bmep = np.where(b, np.nan, 2 * C - sabc / (2 * A)) eff = n / (B - np.sqrt(B2 - sabc - n)) return dict(mean_piston_speeds=n_s, engine_bmep=bmep, efficiency=eff)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['phases_fuel_consumptions']) def calculate_phases_fuel_consumptions( phases_co2_emissions, fuel_carbon_content, fuel_density): """ Calculates cycle phases fuel consumption [l/100km]. :param phases_co2_emissions: CO2 emission of cycle phases [CO2g/km]. :type phases_co2_emissions: numpy.array :param fuel_carbon_content: Fuel carbon content [CO2g/g]. :type fuel_carbon_content: float :param fuel_density: Fuel density [g/l]. :type fuel_density: float :return: Fuel consumption of cycle phases [l/100km]. :rtype: tuple """ c = 100.0 / (fuel_density * fuel_carbon_content) return tuple(np.asarray(phases_co2_emissions) * c)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['fuel_consumption_value']) def calculate_fuel_consumption_value( phases_fuel_consumptions, phases_distances): """ Calculates the fuel consumption of the cycle [l/100km]. :param phases_fuel_consumptions: Fuel consumption of cycle phases [l/100km]. :type phases_fuel_consumptions: numpy.array :param phases_distances: Cycle phases distances [km]. :type phases_distances: numpy.array | float :return: Fuel consumption of the cycle [l/100km]. :rtype: float """ return calculate_co2_emission_value( phases_fuel_consumptions, phases_distances )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['phases_distances']) def calculate_phases_distances(phases_indices, distances): """ Calculates cycle phases distances [km]. :param phases_indices: Indices of the cycle phases [-]. :type phases_indices: numpy.array :param distances: Cumulative distance vector [m]. :type distances: numpy.array :return: Cycle phases distances [km]. :rtype: numpy.array """ i = phases_indices.copy() i[:, 1] -= 1 return np.diff(distances[i], axis=1).ravel() / 1000.0
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['phases_times']) def calculate_phases_times(phases_indices, times): """ Calculates cycle phases times [s]. :param phases_indices: Indices of the cycle phases [-]. :type phases_indices: numpy.array :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :return: Cycle phases times [s]. :rtype: numpy.array """ i = phases_indices.copy() i[:, 1] -= 1 return np.diff(times[i], axis=1).ravel()
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['fuel_density']) def default_fuel_density(fuel_type): """ Returns the default fuel density [g/l]. :param fuel_type: Fuel type (diesel, gasoline, LPG, NG, ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, propane). :type fuel_type: str :return: Fuel density [g/l]. :rtype: float """ return dfl.functions.default_fuel_density.FUEL_DENSITY[fuel_type]
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['engine_fuel_lower_heating_value']) def default_engine_fuel_lower_heating_value(fuel_type): """ Returns the default fuel lower heating value [kJ/kg]. :param fuel_type: Fuel type (diesel, gasoline, LPG, NG, ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, propane). :type fuel_type: str :return: Fuel lower heating value [kJ/kg]. :rtype: float """ d = dfl.functions if d.ENABLE_ALL_FUNCTIONS or d.default_fuel_lower_heating_value.ENABLE: return d.default_fuel_lower_heating_value.LHV[fuel_type] return sh.NONE
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['fuel_carbon_content'], weight=3) def default_fuel_carbon_content(fuel_type): """ Returns the default fuel carbon content [CO2g/g]. :param fuel_type: Fuel type (diesel, gasoline, LPG, NG, ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, propane). :type fuel_type: str :return: Fuel carbon content [CO2g/g]. :rtype: float """ d = dfl.functions if d.ENABLE_ALL_FUNCTIONS or d.default_fuel_carbon_content.ENABLE: return d.default_fuel_carbon_content.CARBON_CONTENT[fuel_type] return sh.NONE
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['fuel_carbon_content']) def calculate_fuel_carbon_content(fuel_carbon_content_percentage): """ Calculates the fuel carbon content as CO2g/g. :param fuel_carbon_content_percentage: Fuel carbon content [%]. :type fuel_carbon_content_percentage: float :return: Fuel carbon content [CO2g/g]. :rtype: float """ return fuel_carbon_content_percentage / 100.0 * 44.0 / 12.0
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['fuel_carbon_content_percentage']) def calculate_fuel_carbon_content_percentage(fuel_carbon_content): """ Calculates the fuel carbon content as %. :param fuel_carbon_content: Fuel carbon content [CO2g/g]. :type fuel_carbon_content: float :return: Fuel carbon content [%]. :rtype: float """ return fuel_carbon_content / calculate_fuel_carbon_content(1.0)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['fuel_heating_value']) def calculate_fuel_heating_value(engine_fuel_lower_heating_value, fuel_density): """ Calculates the fuel heating value as kWh/l. :param engine_fuel_lower_heating_value: Fuel lower heating value [kJ/kg]. :type engine_fuel_lower_heating_value: float :param fuel_density: Fuel density [g/l]. :type fuel_density: float :return: Fuel heating value [kWh/l]. :rtype: float """ return engine_fuel_lower_heating_value * fuel_density / 36e5