Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.cycle.WLTP

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015-2019 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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Functions and `dsp` model to define theoretical profiles of WLTP cycle.


.. currentmodule:: co2mpas.core.model.physical.cycle.WLTP

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: WLTP/

import logging
import copy
import schedula as sh
from ..NEDC import is_manual
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl
from .vel import dsp as _vel

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='WLTP cycle model',
    description='Returns the theoretical times, velocities, and gears of WLTP.'

    'initial_temperature', dfl.values.initial_temperature_WLTP,
    description='Initial temperature of the test cell [°C].'
    'max_time', dfl.values.max_time_WLTP, 5, description='Maximum time [s].'
dsp.add_data('wltp_base_model', copy.deepcopy(dfl.values.wltp_base_model))

[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['base_model']) def define_wltp_base_model(wltp_base_model): """ Defines WLTP base model. :param wltp_base_model: WLTP base model params. :type wltp_base_model: dict :return: WLTP base model. :rtype: dict """ import wltp.model as wltp_mdl # noinspection PyProtectedMember return sh.combine_dicts(wltp_mdl._get_model_base(), wltp_base_model)
dsp.add_dispatcher( dsp=_vel, inputs=( 'times', 'base_model', 'velocities', 'speed_velocity_ratios', 'inertial_factor', 'downscale_phases', 'max_velocity', 'downscale_factor', 'downscale_factor_threshold', 'vehicle_mass', 'unladen_mass', 'road_loads', 'engine_max_power', 'wltp_class', 'engine_speed_at_max_power', 'max_speed_velocity_ratio' ), outputs=( 'theoretical_motive_powers', {'theoretical_velocities': ('theoretical_velocities', 'velocities')} ) )
[docs]def wltp_gears( full_load_curve, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, speed_velocity_ratios, idle_engine_speed, engine_speed_at_max_power, engine_max_power, engine_max_speed, base_model, initial_gears=None): """ Returns the gear shifting profile according to WLTP [-]. :param full_load_curve: Vehicle full load curve. :type full_load_curve: function :param velocities: Velocity vector [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param accelerations: Acceleration vector [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param speed_velocity_ratios: Speed velocity ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km]. :type speed_velocity_ratios: dict[int | float] :param idle_engine_speed: Engine speed idle median and std [RPM]. :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float) :param engine_speed_at_max_power: Rated engine speed [RPM]. :type engine_speed_at_max_power: float :param engine_max_power: Maximum power [kW]. :type engine_max_power: float :param engine_max_speed: Maximum allowed engine speed [RPM]. :type engine_max_speed: float :param base_model: WLTP base model params. :type base_model: dict :param initial_gears: Initial gear vector [-]. :type initial_gears: numpy.array :return: Gear vector [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ import numpy as np import wltp.experiment as wltp_exp n_min_drive = None svr = [v for k, v in sorted(speed_velocity_ratios.items()) if k] idle = idle_engine_speed[0] n_norm = np.arange( 0.0, (engine_max_speed - idle) / (engine_speed_at_max_power - idle), .01 ) load_curve = { 'n_norm': n_norm, 'p_norm': full_load_curve( idle + n_norm * (engine_speed_at_max_power - idle) ) / engine_max_power } b = velocities < 0 if b.any(): v = velocities.copy() v[b] = 0 else: v = velocities res = wltp_exp.run_cycle( v, accelerations, motive_powers, svr, idle_engine_speed[0], n_min_drive, engine_speed_at_max_power, engine_max_power, load_curve, base_model ) if initial_gears: gears = initial_gears.copy() else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences gears = res[0] # Apply Driveability-rules. # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences wltp_exp.applyDriveabilityRules(v, accelerations, gears, res[1], res[-1]) gears[gears < 0] = 0 log.warning('The WLTP gear-shift profile generation is for engineering ' 'purposes and the results are by no means valid according to ' 'the legislation.\nActually they are calculated based on a pre ' 'phase-1a version of the GTR spec.\n ' 'Please provide the gear-shifting profile ' 'within `prediction.WLTP` sheet.') return gears
dsp.add_function( function=sh.add_args(wltp_gears), inputs=( 'gear_box_type', 'full_load_curve', 'velocities', 'accelerations', 'motive_powers', 'speed_velocity_ratios', 'idle_engine_speed', 'engine_speed_at_max_power', 'engine_max_power', 'engine_max_speed', 'base_model' ), outputs=['gears'], input_domain=is_manual, weight=sh.inf(2, 10) )