Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.electrics.motors.alternator.current

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Functions and `dsp` model to model the alternator current.
import numpy as np
import schedula as sh
import co2mpas.utils as co2_utl

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='Alternator current', description='Models the alternator current.'

[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['alternator_current_model']) def define_alternator_current_model(alternator_charging_currents): """ Defines an alternator current model that predicts alternator current [A]. :param alternator_charging_currents: Mean charging currents of the alternator (for negative and positive power)[A]. :type alternator_charging_currents: (float, float) :return: Alternator current model. :rtype: callable """ return AlternatorCurrentModel(alternator_charging_currents)
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring,PyPep8Naming
[docs]class AlternatorCurrentModel:
[docs] def __init__(self, alternator_charging_currents=(0, 0)): def default_model(X): time, prev_soc, alt_status, gb_power, acc = X.T b = gb_power > 0 or (gb_power == 0 and acc >= 0) return np.where(b, *alternator_charging_currents) # noinspection PyProtectedMember from ....engine._thermal import _XGBRegressor self.model = default_model self.mask = None self.init_model = default_model self.init_mask = None self.base_model = _XGBRegressor
[docs] def predict(self, X, init_time=0.0): X = np.asarray(X) times = X[:, 0] b = times < (times[0] + init_time) curr = np.zeros_like(times, dtype=float) curr[b] = self.init_model(X[b][:, self.init_mask]) b = ~b curr[b] = self.model(X[b][:, self.model]) return curr
# noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyProtectedMember
[docs] def fit(self, currents, on_engine, times, soc, statuses, *args, init_time=0.0): b = (statuses[1:] > 0) & on_engine[1:] i = co2_utl.argmax(times >= times[0] + init_time) from ....engine._thermal import _build_samples X, Y = _build_samples(currents, soc, statuses, *args) if b[i:].any(): self.model, self.mask = self._fit_model(X[i:][b[i:]], Y[i:][b[i:]]) elif b[:i].any(): self.model, self.mask = self._fit_model(X[b], Y[b]) else: self.model = lambda *args, **kwargs: [0.0] self.mask = np.array((0,)) self.mask += 1 if b[:i].any(): init_spl = (times[1:i + 1] - times[0])[:, None], X[:i] init_spl = np.concatenate(init_spl, axis=1)[b[:i]] a = self._fit_model(init_spl, Y[:i][b[:i]], (0,), (2,)) self.init_model, self.init_mask = a else: self.init_model, self.init_mask = self.model, self.mask return self
# noinspection PyProtectedMember def _fit_model(self, X, Y, in_mask=(), out_mask=()): from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from ....engine._thermal import _SelectFromModel # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault model = self.base_model( random_state=0, max_depth=2, objective='reg:squarederror', n_estimators=int(min(300.0, 0.25 * (len(X) - 1))) or 1 ) model = Pipeline([ ('feature_selection', _SelectFromModel( model, '0.8*median', in_mask=in_mask, out_mask=out_mask )), ('classification', model) ]), Y) mask = np.where(model.steps[0][-1]._get_support_mask())[0] return model.steps[-1][-1].predict, mask def __call__(self, time, soc, status, *args): arr = np.array([(time, soc, status) + args]) if status == 3: return min(0.0, self.init_model(arr[:, self.init_mask])[0]) return min(0.0, self.model(arr[:, self.mask])[0])
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['alternator_current_model']) def calibrate_alternator_current_model( alternator_currents, on_engine, times, service_battery_state_of_charges, service_battery_charging_statuses, motive_powers, accelerations, service_battery_initialization_time): """ Calibrates an alternator current model that predicts alternator current [A]. :param alternator_currents: Alternator currents [A]. :type alternator_currents: numpy.array :param on_engine: If the engine is on [-]. :type on_engine: numpy.array :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param service_battery_state_of_charges: State of charge of the service battery [%]. :type service_battery_state_of_charges: numpy.array :param service_battery_charging_statuses: Service battery charging statuses (0: Discharge, 1: Charging, 2: BERS, 3: Initialization) [-]. :type service_battery_charging_statuses: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param accelerations: Acceleration vector [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param service_battery_initialization_time: Service battery initialization time delta [s]. :type service_battery_initialization_time: float :return: Alternator current model. :rtype: callable """ return AlternatorCurrentModel().fit( alternator_currents, on_engine, times, service_battery_state_of_charges, service_battery_charging_statuses, motive_powers, accelerations, init_time=service_battery_initialization_time )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['alternator_currents']) def predict_alternator_currents( alternator_current_model, times, service_battery_state_of_charges, service_battery_charging_statuses, motive_powers, accelerations, service_battery_initialization_time): """ Predict alternator currents [A]. :param alternator_current_model: Alternator current model. :type alternator_current_model: callable :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param service_battery_state_of_charges: State of charge of the service battery [%]. :type service_battery_state_of_charges: numpy.array :param service_battery_charging_statuses: Service battery charging statuses (0: Discharge, 1: Charging, 2: BERS, 3: Initialization) [-]. :type service_battery_charging_statuses: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param accelerations: Acceleration vector [m/s2]. :type accelerations: numpy.array :param service_battery_initialization_time: Service battery initialization time delta [s]. :type service_battery_initialization_time: float :return: DC/DC converter current model. :rtype: callable """ return alternator_current_model.predict(np.column_stack(( times, service_battery_state_of_charges, service_battery_charging_statuses, motive_powers, accelerations )), init_time=service_battery_initialization_time)