Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.gear_box

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Functions and `dsp` model to model the gear box.


.. currentmodule:: co2mpas.core.model.physical.gear_box

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: gear_box/


import math
import functools
import numpy as np
import schedula as sh
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl
from .cvt import dsp as _cvt_model
from .at_gear import dsp as _at_gear
from .mechanical import dsp as _mechanical
from .manual import dsp as _manual
from .planet import dsp as _planet_model
from co2mpas.utils import List, reject_outliers

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(
    name='Gear box model', description='Models the gear box.'

[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_shifts']) def calculate_gear_shifts(gears): """ Returns when there is a gear shifting [-]. :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :return: When there is a gear shifting [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ return np.ediff1d(gears, to_begin=[0]) != 0
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_mean_efficiency']) def identify_gear_box_mean_efficiency(gear_box_powers_in, gear_box_powers_out): """ Identify gear box mean efficiency [-]. :param gear_box_powers_in: Gear box power in vector [kW]. :type gear_box_powers_in: numpy.array :param gear_box_powers_out: Gear box power out vector [kW]. :type gear_box_powers_out: numpy.array :return: Gear box mean efficiency [-]. :rtype: float """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): eff = gear_box_powers_out / gear_box_powers_in b = eff > 1 eff[b] = 1 / eff[b] return reject_outliers(eff[np.isfinite(eff) & (eff >= 0)])[0]
dsp.add_function( function=sh.bypass, inputs=['gear_box_mean_efficiency'], outputs=['gear_box_mean_efficiency_guess'] )
[docs]@sh.add_function( dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['gear_box_mean_efficiency_guess'] ) @sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_mean_efficiency_guess'], weight=90) def calculate_gear_box_mean_efficiency_guess( motive_powers, final_drive_mean_efficiency, gear_box_loss_model, times, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_speeds_out, min_engine_on_speed, gears=None): """ Calculate gear box mean efficiency guess [-]. :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param final_drive_mean_efficiency: Final drive mean efficiency [-]. :type final_drive_mean_efficiency: float :param gear_box_loss_model: Gear box loss model. :type gear_box_loss_model: GearBoxLosses :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_in: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_out: Wheel speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_out: numpy.array :param min_engine_on_speed: Minimum engine speed to consider the engine to be on [RPM]. :type min_engine_on_speed: float :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array, optional :return: Gear box mean efficiency guess [-]. :rtype: float """ from ..electrics.motors.p4 import calculate_motor_p4_electric_powers as func powers_out = func(motive_powers, final_drive_mean_efficiency) torques = calculate_gear_box_torques( powers_out, gear_box_speeds_out, gear_box_speeds_in, min_engine_on_speed ) torques_in = calculate_gear_box_efficiencies_torques_temperatures( gear_box_loss_model, times, powers_out, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_speeds_out, torques, 100, gears )[1] powers_in = calculate_gear_box_powers_in(torques_in, gear_box_speeds_in) return identify_gear_box_mean_efficiency(powers_in, powers_out)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_efficiency_constants']) def get_gear_box_efficiency_constants(has_torque_converter, gear_box_type): """ Returns vehicle gear box efficiency constants (gbp00, gbp10, and gbp01). :param has_torque_converter: Does the vehicle use torque converter? :type has_torque_converter: bool :param gear_box_type: Gear box type (manual or automatic or cvt). :type gear_box_type: str :return: Vehicle gear box efficiency constants (gbp00, gbp10, and gbp01). :rtype: dict """ PARAMS = dfl.functions.get_gear_box_efficiency_constants.PARAMS return PARAMS[has_torque_converter and gear_box_type != 'cvt']
def _linear(x, m, q): return x * m + q def _get_par(obj, key, default=None): if default is None: default = obj try: return obj.get(key, default) except AttributeError: return default
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot']) def calculate_gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot( gear_box_efficiency_constants, engine_max_torque): """ Calculates the parameters of gear box efficiency model for cold/hot phases. :param gear_box_efficiency_constants: Vehicle gear box efficiency constants. :type gear_box_efficiency_constants: dict :param engine_max_torque: Engine Max Torque [N*m]. :type engine_max_torque: float :return: Parameters of gear box efficiency model for cold/hot phases: - 'hot': `gbp00`, `gbp10`, `gbp01` - 'cold': `gbp00`, `gbp10`, `gbp01` :rtype: dict """ par = {'hot': {}, 'cold': {}} for p in ['hot', 'cold']: for k, v in gear_box_efficiency_constants.items(): m = _get_par(_get_par(v, 'm', default=0.0), p) q = _get_par(_get_par(v, 'q', default=0.0), p) par[p][k] = _linear(engine_max_torque, m, q) return par
dsp.add_data('min_engine_on_speed', dfl.values.min_engine_on_speed)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_torques']) def calculate_gear_box_torques( gear_box_powers_out, gear_box_speeds_out, gear_box_speeds_in, min_engine_on_speed): """ Calculates torque entering the gear box [N*m]. :param gear_box_powers_out: Gear box power vector [kW]. :type gear_box_powers_out: numpy.array | float :param gear_box_speeds_in: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array | float :param gear_box_speeds_out: Wheel speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_out: numpy.array | float :param min_engine_on_speed: Minimum engine speed to consider the engine to be on [RPM]. :type min_engine_on_speed: float :return: Torque gear box vector [N*m]. :rtype: numpy.array | float .. note:: Torque entering the gearbox can be from engine side (power mode or from wheels in motoring mode) """ if isinstance(gear_box_speeds_in, float): if gear_box_powers_out > 0: x = gear_box_speeds_in else: x = gear_box_speeds_out if x <= min_engine_on_speed: return 0 return gear_box_powers_out / x * 30000.0 / math.pi else: x = np.where( gear_box_powers_out > 0, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_speeds_out ) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): y = gear_box_powers_out / x y *= 30000.0 / math.pi return np.where(x <= min_engine_on_speed, 0, y)
dsp.add_data( 'gear_box_temperature_references', dfl.values.gear_box_temperature_references ) # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_torques_in<0>']) def calculate_gear_box_torques_in( gear_box_torques, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_speeds_out, gear_box_temperatures, gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot, gear_box_temperature_references, min_engine_on_speed): """ Calculates torque required according to the temperature profile [N*m]. :param gear_box_torques: Torque gear box vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_in: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_out: Wheel speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_out: numpy.array :param gear_box_temperatures: Temperature vector [°C]. :type gear_box_temperatures: numpy.array :param gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot: Parameters of gear box efficiency model for cold/hot phases: - 'hot': `gbp00`, `gbp10`, `gbp01` - 'cold': `gbp00`, `gbp10`, `gbp01` :type gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot: dict :param gear_box_temperature_references: Cold and hot reference temperatures [°C]. :type gear_box_temperature_references: tuple :param min_engine_on_speed: Minimum engine speed to consider the engine to be on [RPM]. :type min_engine_on_speed: float :return: Torque required vector according to the temperature profile [N*m]. :rtype: numpy.array """ par = gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot T_cold, T_hot = gear_box_temperature_references t_out, e_s, gb_s = gear_box_torques, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_speeds_out fun = functools.partial(_gear_box_torques_in, min_engine_on_speed) t = fun(t_out, e_s, gb_s, par['hot']) if not T_cold == T_hot: gbt = gear_box_temperatures b = gbt <= T_hot t_cold = fun(t_out[b], e_s[b], gb_s[b], par['cold']) t[b] += (T_hot - gbt[b]) / (T_hot - T_cold) * (t_cold - t[b]) return t
def _gear_box_torques_in( min_engine_on_speed, gear_box_torques, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_speeds_out, gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot): """ Calculates torque required according to the temperature profile [N*m]. :param min_engine_on_speed: Minimum engine speed to consider the engine to be on [RPM]. :type min_engine_on_speed: float :param gear_box_torques: Torque gear_box vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_in: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_out: Wheel speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_out: numpy.array :param gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot: Parameters of gear box efficiency model: - `gbp00`, - `gbp10`, - `gbp01` :type gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot: dict :return: Torque required vector [N*m]. :rtype: numpy.array """ tgb, es, ws = gear_box_torques, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_speeds_out b = (tgb < 0) & (es != 0) y = np.zeros_like(tgb) par = gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot y[b] = (par['gbp01'] * tgb[b] - par['gbp10'] * ws[b] - par['gbp00']) * ws[b] y[b] /= es[b] b = ~b & (es > min_engine_on_speed) b &= (ws > min_engine_on_speed) y[b] = (tgb[b] - par['gbp10'] * es[b] - par['gbp00']) / par['gbp01'] return y
[docs]@sh.add_function( dsp, inputs=['gear_box_torques', 'gear_box_torques_in<0>', 'gears', 'gear_box_ratios'], outputs=['gear_box_torques_in']) def correct_gear_box_torques_in( gear_box_torques, gear_box_torques_in, gears, gear_box_ratios): """ Corrects the torque when the gear box ratio is equal to 1. :param gear_box_torques: Torque gear_box vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques: numpy.array :param gear_box_torques_in: Torque required vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques_in: numpy.array :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int] :return: Corrected Torque required vector [N*m]. :rtype: numpy.array """ b = np.zeros_like(gears, dtype=bool) for k, v in gear_box_ratios.items(): if v == 1: b |= gears == k return np.where(b, gear_box_torques, gear_box_torques_in)
dsp.add_function( function=sh.bypass, inputs=['gear_box_torques_in<0>'], outputs=['gear_box_torques_in'], weight=100, )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_efficiencies']) def calculate_gear_box_efficiencies( gear_box_powers_out, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_torques, gear_box_torques_in, min_engine_on_speed): """ Calculates gear box efficiency [-]. :param gear_box_powers_out: Power at wheels vector [kW]. :type gear_box_powers_out: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_in: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param gear_box_torques: Torque gear_box vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques: numpy.array :param gear_box_torques_in: Torque required vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques_in: numpy.array :param min_engine_on_speed: Minimum engine speed to consider the engine to be on [RPM]. :type min_engine_on_speed: float :return: Gear box efficiency vector [-]. :rtype: numpy.array """ wp = gear_box_powers_out tgb = gear_box_torques tr = gear_box_torques_in es = gear_box_speeds_in eff = np.zeros_like(wp) b0 = tr * tgb >= 0 b1 = b0 & (wp >= 0) & (es > min_engine_on_speed) & (tr != 0) b = ((b0 & (wp < 0)) | b1) eff[b] = es[b] * tr[b] / wp[b] * (math.pi / 30000) eff[b1] = 1 / eff[b1] return np.nan_to_num(eff)
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_torque_losses']) def calculate_torques_losses(gear_box_torques_in, gear_box_torques): """ Calculates gear box torque losses [N*m]. :param gear_box_torques_in: Torque required vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques_in: numpy.array | float :param gear_box_torques: Torque gear_box vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques: numpy.array | float :return: Gear box torques losses [N*m]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ return gear_box_torques_in - gear_box_torques
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]class GearBoxLosses:
[docs] def __init__(self, gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot, equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity, gear_box_temperature_references, initial_gear_box_temperature, min_engine_on_speed, gear_box_ratios=None): par = gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot base = dict( equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity=equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity, gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot=par, gear_box_temperature_references=gear_box_temperature_references, gear_box_ratios=gear_box_ratios, min_engine_on_speed=min_engine_on_speed ) self.initial_gear_box_temperature = initial_gear_box_temperature # noinspection PyProtectedMember from .thermal import _thermal self._thermal = functools.partial(_thermal, **base)
[docs] def init_losses(self, gear_box_temperatures, times, gear_box_powers_out, gear_box_speeds_out, gear_box_speeds_in, gears, gear_box_torques=None): gear_box_temperatures[0] = self.initial_gear_box_temperature if gear_box_torques is None: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def get_gear_box_torque(i): return None else: def get_gear_box_torque(i): return gear_box_torques[i] def _next(i): j = i + 1 dt = len(times) > j and times[j] - times[i] or 0 return self._thermal( gear_box_temperatures[i], get_gear_box_torque(i), gears[i], dt, gear_box_powers_out[i], gear_box_speeds_out[i], gear_box_speeds_in[i] ) return _next
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=['gear_box_loss_model']) @sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_loss_model'], weight=10) def define_gear_box_loss_model( gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot, equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity, gear_box_temperature_references, initial_gear_box_temperature, min_engine_on_speed, gear_box_ratios=None): """ Defines the gear box loss model. :param gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot: Parameters of gear box efficiency model for cold/hot phases: - 'hot': `gbp00`, `gbp10`, `gbp01` - 'cold': `gbp00`, `gbp10`, `gbp01` :type gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot: dict :param equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity: Equivalent gear box heat capacity [kg*J/K]. :type equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity: float :param gear_box_temperature_references: Reference temperature [°C]. :type gear_box_temperature_references: (float, float) :param initial_gear_box_temperature: Initial gear box temperature [°C]. :type initial_gear_box_temperature: float :param min_engine_on_speed: Minimum engine speed to consider the engine to be on [RPM]. :type min_engine_on_speed: float :param gear_box_ratios: Gear box ratios [-]. :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int], optional :return: Gear box loss model. :rtype: GearBoxLosses .. note:: Torque entering the gearbox can be from engine side (power mode or from wheels in motoring mode). """ model = GearBoxLosses( gear_box_efficiency_parameters_cold_hot, equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity, gear_box_temperature_references, initial_gear_box_temperature, min_engine_on_speed, gear_box_ratios=gear_box_ratios ) return model
_o = 'gear_box_temperatures', 'gear_box_torques_in', 'gear_box_efficiencies'
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, inputs_kwargs=True, outputs=_o, weight=40) @sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=_o, weight=90) def calculate_gear_box_efficiencies_torques_temperatures( gear_box_loss_model, times, gear_box_powers_out, gear_box_speeds_in, gear_box_speeds_out, gear_box_torques, engine_thermostat_temperature, gears=None): """ Calculates gear box efficiency [-], torque in [N*m], and temperature [°C]. :param gear_box_loss_model: Gear box loss model. :type gear_box_loss_model: GearBoxLosses :param times: Time vector [s]. :type times: numpy.array :param gear_box_powers_out: Power at wheels vector [kW]. :type gear_box_powers_out: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_in: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array :param gear_box_speeds_out: Wheel speed vector [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_out: numpy.array :param gear_box_torques: Torque gear_box vector [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques: numpy.array :param engine_thermostat_temperature: Engine thermostat temperature [°C]. :type engine_thermostat_temperature: float :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array, optional :return: Gear box efficiency [-], torque in [N*m], and temperature [°C] vectors. :rtype: (numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array) .. note:: Torque entering the gearbox can be from engine side (power mode or from wheels in motoring mode). """ temp, to_in, eff = List(), List(), List() func = gear_box_loss_model.init_losses( temp, times, gear_box_powers_out, gear_box_speeds_out, gear_box_speeds_in, gears, gear_box_torques ) for i in range(times.shape[0]): temp[i + 1], to_in[i], eff[i] = func(i) temp = np.minimum(engine_thermostat_temperature - 5, temp[:-1].toarray()) return temp, to_in.toarray(), eff.toarray()
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_box_powers_in']) def calculate_gear_box_powers_in(gear_box_torques_in, gear_box_speeds_in): """ Calculates gear box power [kW]. :param gear_box_torques_in: Torque at the wheel [N*m]. :type gear_box_torques_in: numpy.array | float :param gear_box_speeds_in: Rotating speed of the wheel [RPM]. :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array | float :return: Gear box power [kW]. :rtype: numpy.array | float """ from ..wheels import calculate_wheel_powers return calculate_wheel_powers(gear_box_torques_in, gear_box_speeds_in)
dsp.add_data( 'has_gear_box_thermal_management', dfl.values.has_gear_box_thermal_management )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity']) def calculate_equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity( engine_mass, has_gear_box_thermal_management): """ Calculates the equivalent gear box heat capacity [kg*J/K]. :param engine_mass: Engine mass [kg]. :type engine_mass: str :param has_gear_box_thermal_management: Does the gear box have some additional technology to heat up faster? :type has_gear_box_thermal_management: bool :return: Equivalent gear box heat capacity [kg*J/K]. :rtype: float """ par = dfl.functions.calculate_engine_heat_capacity.PARAMS heated_eng_mass = engine_mass * sum(par['heated_mass_percentage'].values()) par = dfl.functions.calculate_equivalent_gear_box_heat_capacity par = par.PARAMS heated_gear_box_mass = heated_eng_mass * par['gear_box_mass_engine_ratio'] if has_gear_box_thermal_management: heated_gear_box_mass *= par['thermal_management_factor'] return par['heat_capacity']['oil'] * heated_gear_box_mass
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]def is_automatic(kwargs): return kwargs.get('gear_box_type') == 'automatic'
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]def is_manual(kwargs): b = kwargs.get('gear_box_type') == 'manual' return b and kwargs.get('cycle_type', 'NEDC') != 'NEDC'
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]def is_cvt(kwargs): return kwargs.get('gear_box_type') == 'cvt'
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]def is_planetary(kwargs): return kwargs.get('gear_box_type') == 'planetary'
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]def is_manual_or_automatic(kwargs): return kwargs.get('gear_box_type') in ('manual', 'automatic')
dsp.add_dispatcher( include_defaults=True, dsp=_mechanical, inputs=( 'accelerations', 'change_gear_window_width', 'engine_max_torque', 'engine_speed_at_max_velocity', 'engine_speeds_out', 'f0', 'on_engine', 'final_drive_ratios', 'first_gear_box_ratio', 'full_load_curve', 'gear_box_ratios', 'gear_box_speeds_out', 'gears', 'idle_engine_speed', 'last_gear_box_ratio', 'maximum_vehicle_laden_mass', 'maximum_velocity', 'n_gears', 'plateau_acceleration', 'r_dynamic', 'road_loads', 'stop_velocity', 'times', 'velocities', 'velocity_speed_ratios', 'motive_powers', 'correct_gear', 'gear_box_speeds_in', {'gear_box_type': sh.SINK} ), outputs=( 'engine_speed_at_max_velocity', 'first_gear_box_ratio', 'max_gear', 'gear_box_ratios', 'gear_box_speeds_in', 'gears', 'last_gear_box_ratio', 'maximum_velocity', 'speed_velocity_ratios', 'n_gears', 'velocity_speed_ratios' ), input_domain=is_manual_or_automatic ) dsp.add_dispatcher( include_defaults=True, dsp=_at_gear, dsp_id='at_gear_shifting', inputs=( 'CMV', 'CMV_Cold_Hot', 'DTGS', 'GSPV', 'GSPV_Cold_Hot', 'MVL', 'times', 'accelerations', 'change_gear_window_width', 'cycle_type', 'gears', 'engine_coolant_temperatures', 'engine_speeds_out', 'full_load_curve', 'fuel_saving_at_strategy', 'max_velocity_full_load_correction', 'idle_engine_speed', 'stop_velocity', 'time_cold_hot_transition', 'motive_powers', 'plateau_acceleration', 'specific_gear_shifting', 'use_dt_gear_shifting', 'velocities', 'velocity_speed_ratios', {'gear_box_type': sh.SINK} ), outputs=( { 'CMV': ('CMV', 'gear_shifting_model_raw'), 'CMV_Cold_Hot': ('CMV_Cold_Hot', 'gear_shifting_model_raw'), 'DTGS': ('DTGS', 'gear_shifting_model_raw'), 'GSPV': ('GSPV', 'gear_shifting_model_raw'), 'GSPV_Cold_Hot': ('GSPV_Cold_Hot', 'gear_shifting_model_raw') }, 'MVL', 'gears', 'specific_gear_shifting', 'correct_gear'), input_domain=is_automatic ) dsp.add_dispatcher( include_defaults=True, dsp=_manual, dsp_id='manual_gear_shifting', inputs=( 'cycle_type', 'full_load_speeds', 'idle_engine_speed', 'motive_powers', 'engine_max_speed', 'full_load_curve', 'engine_max_power', 'road_loads', 'velocity_speed_ratios', 'engine_speed_at_max_power', 'velocities', 'accelerations', 'times', {'gear_box_type': sh.SINK} ), outputs=('gears', 'correct_gear', { 'MGS': ('MGS', 'gear_shifting_model_raw') }), input_domain=is_manual ) dsp.add_dispatcher( include_defaults=True, dsp=_cvt_model, dsp_id='cvt_model', inputs=( 'CVT', 'accelerations', 'engine_speeds_out', 'gear_box_powers_out', 'idle_engine_speed', 'on_engine', 'stop_velocity', 'velocities', 'gear_box_speeds_in', {'gear_box_type': sh.SINK} ), outputs=( 'gear_box_speeds_in', 'correct_gear', 'gears', 'max_gear', 'max_speed_velocity_ratio', {'CVT': ('CVT', 'gear_shifting_model')} ), input_domain=is_cvt ) dsp.add_dispatcher( include_defaults=True, dsp=_planet_model, dsp_id='no_model', inputs=( 'accelerations', 'engine_speeds_out', 'idle_engine_speed', 'velocities', 'stop_velocity', 'gear_box_speeds_in', 'gear_box_speeds_out', {'gear_box_type': sh.SINK} ), outputs=( 'max_speed_velocity_ratio', 'gear_shifting_model', 'gear_box_speeds_in', 'correct_gear', 'max_gear', 'gears', ), input_domain=is_planetary )
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['gear_shifting_model']) def initialize_gear_shifting_model( gear_shifting_model_raw, velocity_speed_ratios, cycle_type): """ Initialize the gear shifting model. :param gear_shifting_model_raw: A gear shifting model (cmv or gspv or dtgs). :type gear_shifting_model_raw: GSPV | CMV | DTGS :param velocity_speed_ratios: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float] :param cycle_type: Cycle type (WLTP or NEDC). :type cycle_type: str :return: Initialized gear shifting model (cmv or gspv or dtgs). :rtype: GSPV | CMV | DTGS """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember from .at_gear import _upgrade_gsm gsm = gear_shifting_model_raw return _upgrade_gsm(gsm, velocity_speed_ratios, cycle_type)