
dsp = Cycle model

Returns the theoretical times, velocities, and gears.

Cycle model’s data
accelerations Acceleration vector [m/s2].
bag_phases Bag phases [-].
cycle_type Cycle type (WLTP or NEDC).
downscale_factor Velocity downscale factor [-].
downscale_factor_threshold Velocity downscale factor threshold [-].
downscale_phases Downscale phases [s].
engine_max_power Maximum power [kW].
engine_max_speed Maximum allowed engine speed [RPM].
engine_speed_at_max_power Rated engine speed [RPM].
full_load_curve Vehicle full load curve.
gear_box_type Gear box type (manual or automatic or cvt).
gears Gear vector [-].
idle_engine_speed Engine speed idle median and std [RPM].
initial_temperature Initial temperature of the test cell [°C].
k1 K1 NEDC parameter (first or second gear) [-].
k2 K2 NEDC parameter (first or second gear) [-].
k5 K5 NEDC parameter (first or second gear) [-].
max_gear Maximum gear of the gear box [-].
max_speed_velocity_ratio Maximum speed velocity ratio of the gear box [h*RPM/km].
max_time Maximum time [s].
max_velocity Max vehicle velocity [km/h].
motive_powers Motive power [kW].
phases_integration_times Cycle phases integration times [s].
road_loads Cycle road loads [N, N/(km/h), N/(km/h)^2].
speed_velocity_ratios Speed velocity ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km].
theoretical_velocities Theoretical velocity vector [km/h].
time_length Length of the time vector [-].
time_sample_frequency Time frequency [1/s].
times Time vector [s].
unladen_mass Unladen mass [kg].
vehicle_mass Vehicle mass [kg].
velocities Velocity vector [km/h].
wltp_base_model WLTP base model params.
wltp_class WLTP vehicle class.
Cycle model’s functions
calculate_time_length Returns the length of the time vector [-].
cycle_times Returns the time vector with constant time step [s].
extract_phases_integration_times Extracts the cycle phases integration times [s] from bag phases vector.
len Return the number of items in a container.
len Return the number of items in a container.
select_phases_integration_times Selects the cycle phases integration times [s].
Cycle model’s dispatchers
NEDC cycle model Returns the theoretical times, velocities, and gears of NEDC.
WLTP cycle model Returns the theoretical times, velocities, and gears of WLTP.