
dsp = CVT model

Models the gear box.

CVT model’s data
CVT Continuously variable transmission model.
accelerations Vehicle acceleration [m/s2].
correct_gear A function to correct the predicted gear.
engine_speeds_out Gear box speed [RPM].
gear_box_powers_out Gear box power vector [kW].
gear_box_speeds_in Gear box speed [RPM].
gears Gear vector [-].
idle_engine_speed Engine speed idle median and std [RPM].
max_speed_velocity_ratio Maximum speed velocity ratio of the gear box [h*RPM/km].
on_engine If the engine is on [-].
sink Sink node of the dispatcher that collects all unused outputs.
start Starting node that identifies initial inputs of the workflow.
stop_velocity Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h].
velocities Vehicle velocity [km/h].
CVT model’s functions
calibrate_cvt Calibrates a model for continuously variable transmission (CVT).
calibrate_cvt Calibrates a model for continuously variable transmission (CVT).
default_correct_gear Returns a fake function to correct the gear.
identify_max_speed_velocity_ratio Identifies the maximum speed velocity ratio of the gear box [h*RPM/km].
predict_gear_box_speeds_in Predicts gear box speed vector, gear vector, and maximum gear [RPM, -, -].
predict_gears Predicts gear vector [-].