
Functions and constants to define the after_treatment_model selector.


metric_after_treatment_speed_model Metric for the after_treatment_speed_model.


dsp Models the after treatment.
name = 'after_treatment_model'

Model name.

models = ['after_treatment_speed_model', 'after_treatment_warm_up_duration', 'after_treatment_cooling_duration']

Parameters that constitute the model.

inputs = ['times', 'on_engine', 'engine_speeds_out_hot', 'is_cycle_hot', 'on_idle', 'is_hybrid']

Inputs required to run the model.

outputs = ['engine_speeds_base']

Relevant outputs of the model.

targets = ['engine_speeds_base']

Targets to compare the outputs of the model.

metrics_inputs = ['after_treatment_warm_up_phases']

Extra inputs for the metrics.

metrics = {'engine_speeds_base': <function metric_after_treatment_speed_model>}

Metrics to compare outputs with targets.

up_limit = {'engine_speeds_base': 160}

Upper score limits to raise the warnings.