Source code for co2mpas.core.model.physical.gear_box.at_gear.gspv

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Functions and `dsp` model to model the GSPV Approach.
import copy
import numpy as np
import schedula as sh
from .cmv import CMV
from co2mpas.defaults import dfl
from .core import prediction_gears_gsm

dsp = sh.BlueDispatcher(name='Gear Shifting Power Velocity Approach')
dsp.add_data('stop_velocity', dfl.values.stop_velocity)

def _gspv_interpolate_cloud(powers, velocities):
    from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression
    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
    regressor = IsotonicRegression(), velocities)
    x = np.linspace(min(powers), max(powers))
    y = regressor.predict(x)
    return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, y, k=1, ext=3)

# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring,PyPep8Naming
[docs]class GSPV(CMV):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, cloud=None, velocity_speed_ratios=None): super(GSPV, self).__init__(*args) if args and isinstance(args[0], GSPV): if not cloud: = args[0].cloud if velocity_speed_ratios: self.convert(velocity_speed_ratios) else: velocity_speed_ratios = args[0].velocity_speed_ratios else: = cloud or {} self.velocity_speed_ratios = velocity_speed_ratios or {} if cloud: self._fit_cloud()
def __repr__(self): from pprint import pformat s = 'GSPV(cloud={}, velocity_speed_ratios={})' vsr = pformat(self.velocity_speed_ratios) s = s.format(pformat(, vsr) return s.replace('inf', "float('inf')") # noinspection PyMethodOverriding
[docs] def fit(self, gears, velocities, motive_powers, velocity_speed_ratios, stop_velocity): self.clear() self.velocity_speed_ratios = velocity_speed_ratios it = zip(velocities, motive_powers, sh.pairwise(gears)) for v, p, (g0, g1) in it: if v > stop_velocity and g0 != g1: x = self.get(g0, [[], [[], []]]) if g0 < g1 and p >= 0: x[1][0].append(p) x[1][1].append(v) elif g0 > g1 and p <= 0: x[0].append(v) else: continue self[g0] = x self[0] = [[0.0], [[0.0], [stop_velocity]]] self[max(self)][1] = [[0, 1], [dfl.INF] * 2] = {k: copy.deepcopy(v) for k, v in self.items()} self._fit_cloud() return self
def _fit_cloud(self): from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as spl def _line(n, m, i): x = np.mean(m[i]) if m[i] else None k_p = n - 1 while k_p > 0 and k_p not in self: k_p -= 1 x_up = self[k_p][not i](0) if k_p >= 0 else x if x is None or x > x_up: x = x_up return spl([0, 1], [x] * 2, k=1) self.clear() self.update(copy.deepcopy( for k, v in sorted(self.items()): v[0] = _line(k, v, 0) if len(v[1][0]) > 2: v[1] = _gspv_interpolate_cloud(*v[1]) elif v[1][1]: v[1] = spl([0, 1], [np.mean(v[1][1])] * 2, k=1) else: v[1] = self[k - 1][0] @property def limits(self): limits = {} X = [dfl.INF, 0] for v in X[0] = min(min(v[1][0]), X[0]) X[1] = max(max(v[1][0]), X[1]) X = list(np.linspace(*X)) X = [0] + X + [X[-1] * 1.1] for k, func in self.items(): limits[k] = [(f(X), X) for f, x in zip(func, X)] return limits
[docs] def plot(self): import matplotlib.pylab as plt for k, v in self.limits.items(): kv = {} for (s, l), (x, y) in zip((('down', '--'), ('up', '-')), v): if x[0] < dfl.INF: kv['label'] = 'Gear %d:%s-shift' % (k, s) kv['linestyle'] = l # noinspection PyProtectedMember kv['color'] = plt.plot(x, y, **kv)[0]._color cy, cx =[k][1] if cx[0] < dfl.INF: kv.pop('label') kv['linestyle'] = '' kv['marker'] = 'o' plt.plot(cx, cy, **kv) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('Velocity [km/h]') plt.ylabel('Power [kW]')
def _init_gear(self, times, velocities, accelerations, motive_powers, engine_coolant_temperatures): keys = sorted(self.keys()) matrix, c = {}, len(keys) - 1 from co2mpas.utils import List if isinstance(velocities, List) or isinstance(motive_powers, List): for i, k in enumerate(keys): matrix[k] = self[k], (keys[max(0, i - 1)], keys[min(i + 1, c)]) def _next(gear, index): # noinspection PyShadowingNames v, p = velocities[index], motive_powers[index] (_down, _up), (g0, g1) = matrix[gear] if v >= _up(p): return g1 if v < _down(p): return g0 return gear else: r = velocities.shape[0] for i, g in enumerate(keys): down, up = [func(motive_powers) for func in self[g]] matrix[g] = p = np.tile(g, r) p[velocities < down] = keys[max(0, i - 1)] p[velocities >= up] = keys[min(i + 1, c)] def _next(gear, index): return matrix[gear][index] return _next # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyTypeChecker
[docs] def convert(self, velocity_speed_ratios): if velocity_speed_ratios != self.velocity_speed_ratios: # noinspection PyProtectedMember from .cmv import _convert_limits vsr, n_vsr = self.velocity_speed_ratios, velocity_speed_ratios limits = [dfl.INF, 0] for v in if v[1][0]: limits[0] = min(min(v[1][0]), limits[0]) limits[1] = max(max(v[1][0]), limits[1]) cloud = = {} for p in np.linspace(*limits): cmv = _convert_limits( {k: [f(p) for f in v] for k, v in self.items()}, vsr, n_vsr ) for k, (l, u) in sorted(cmv.items()): c = cloud[k] = cloud.get(k, [[], [[], []]]) c[0].append(l) c[1][0].append(p) c[1][1].append(u) cloud[0] = [[0.0], [[0.0], [self[0][1](0.0)]]] cloud[max(cloud)][1] = [[0, 1], [dfl.INF] * 2] self._fit_cloud() self.velocity_speed_ratios = n_vsr return self
[docs]@sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['GSPV']) def calibrate_gspv( gears, velocities, motive_powers, velocity_speed_ratios, stop_velocity): """ Identifies gear shifting power velocity matrix. :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param motive_powers: Motive power [kW]. :type motive_powers: numpy.array :param velocity_speed_ratios: Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)]. :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float] :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Gear shifting power velocity matrix. :rtype: dict """ gspv = GSPV().fit( gears, velocities, motive_powers, velocity_speed_ratios, stop_velocity ) return gspv
# predict gears with corrected matrix velocity dsp.add_function( function=prediction_gears_gsm, inputs=[ 'correct_gear', 'gear_filter', 'GSPV', 'times', 'velocities', 'accelerations', 'motive_powers', 'cycle_type', 'velocity_speed_ratios' ], outputs=['gears'] )