Source code for co2mpas.core.model.selector.models.at_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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Functions and constants to define the at_model selector.
import logging
import collections
import schedula as sh
import co2mpas.utils as co2_utl
from ._core import define_sub_model, _accuracy_score
from ...physical.gear_box.at_gear import dsp as _at_gear
from ...physical.gear_box.mechanical import calculate_gear_box_speeds_in

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Model name.
name = 'at_model'

#: Parameters that constitute the model.
models = [
    'MVL', 'CMV', 'CMV_Cold_Hot', 'DTGS', 'GSPV', 'GSPV_Cold_Hot',
    'specific_gear_shifting', 'change_gear_window_width',
    'max_velocity_full_load_correction', 'plateau_acceleration'

#: Inputs required to run the model.
inputs = [
    'idle_engine_speed', 'full_load_curve', 'accelerations', 'motive_powers',
    'engine_speeds_out', 'engine_coolant_temperatures', 'plateau_acceleration',
    'time_cold_hot_transition', 'times', 'stop_velocity', 'cycle_type',
    'use_dt_gear_shifting', 'specific_gear_shifting', 'velocity_speed_ratios',
    'velocities', 'MVL', 'fuel_saving_at_strategy', 'change_gear_window_width',

#: Relevant outputs of the model.
outputs = ['gears']

#: Targets to compare the outputs of the model.
targets = outputs

#: Weights coefficients to compute the model score.
weights = sh.map_list(targets, -1)

#: Metrics to compare outputs with targets.
metrics = {'gears': _accuracy_score}

def _correlation_coefficient(t, o):
    import numpy as np
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        return np.corrcoef(t, o)[0, 1] if t.size > 1 else np.nan

[docs]def calculate_error_coefficients( identified_gears, gears, engine_speeds, predicted_engine_speeds, velocities, stop_velocity): """ Calculates the prediction's error coefficients. :param identified_gears: Identified gear vector [-]. :type identified_gears: numpy.array :param gears: Gear vector [-]. :type gears: numpy.array :param engine_speeds: Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type engine_speeds: numpy.array :param predicted_engine_speeds: Predicted Engine speed vector [RPM]. :type predicted_engine_speeds: numpy.array :param velocities: Vehicle velocity [km/h]. :type velocities: numpy.array :param stop_velocity: Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h]. :type stop_velocity: float :return: Correlation coefficient and mean absolute error. :rtype: dict """ b = velocities > stop_velocity x = engine_speeds[b] y = predicted_engine_speeds[b] res = { 'mean_absolute_error': co2_utl.mae(x, y), 'correlation_coefficient': _correlation_coefficient(x, y), 'accuracy_score': _accuracy_score(identified_gears, gears) } return res
[docs]def select_models(keys, data): """ Select models from data. :param keys: Model keys. :type keys: list :param data: Cycle data. :type data: dict :return: Models. :rtype: dict """ sgs = 'specific_gear_shifting' # Namespace shortcuts. try: vel, vsr = data['velocities'], data['velocity_speed_ratios'] t_eng, t_gears = data['engine_speeds_out'], data['gears'] sv, at_m = data['stop_velocity'], data[sgs] except KeyError: return {} t_e = 'mean_absolute_error', 'accuracy_score', 'correlation_coefficient' # at_models to be assessed. if at_m == 'ALL': at_m = {'CMV', 'CMV_Cold_Hot', 'DTGS', 'GSPV', 'GSPV_Cold_Hot'} else: at_m = {at_m} # Other models to be taken from calibration output. mdl = sh.selector(set(keys) - at_m, data, allow_miss=True) # Inputs to predict the gears. inp = sh.selector(inputs, data, allow_miss=True) func = _at_gear.register() def _err(model_id, model): gears = func( inputs=sh.combine_dicts(inp, {sgs: model_id, model_id: model}), outputs=['gears'] )['gears'] eng = calculate_gear_box_speeds_in(gears, vel, vsr, sv) return calculate_error_coefficients(t_gears, gears, t_eng, eng, vel, sv) def _sort(v): e = sh.selector(t_e, v[0], output_type='list') return (e[0], -e[1], -e[2]), v[1] # Sort by error. rank = sorted(( (_err(k, m), k, m) for k, m in sorted(sh.selector(at_m, data, allow_miss=True).items()) ), key=_sort) if rank: data['at_scores'] = collections.OrderedDict( (k, e) for e, k, m in rank) e, k, m = rank[0] mdl[sgs], mdl[k] = k, m log.debug( 'at_gear_shifting_model: %s with mean_absolute_error %.3f ' '[RPM], accuracy_score %.3f, and correlation_coefficient ' '%.3f.', k, *sh.selector(t_e, e, output_type='list')) return mdl
#: Prediction model. # noinspection PyProtectedMember dsp = sh.Blueprint(_at_gear, inputs, outputs, models)._set_cls( define_sub_model )